How the Church Can Support Emotional Health
If you canā€™t find healing in the Body of Christ, where can you find it?
How the Church Can Support Emotional Health

Lisa is going through a divorce and she's afraid to tell her fellow church members. She is slipping deeper and deeper into depression, with no one to talk to. John has lost his job and he's having an emotional breakdown. He's questioning his worth as a man since ...

Emotional Health Should Be Required for Leaders
Itā€™s one way to avoid toxic situations in your church

Because of a lifetime battling depression, Johanna's mom had difficulty coping with the challenges of raising a child. Spending hours in bed, she became detached from her daughter. The depression began a chain reaction in the familyā€”Johanna's dad worked long hours so he didn't ...

Stop to Breathe
Leadership demands we make a commitment to rest

Busy leader, do yourself a favor. Stop to breathe.

Before reading past this paragraph, take three slow, deep breaths. Notice the sensation in your body each time you inhale, then exhale. Notice what happens in your inner being as you pause to take those breaths. Nowā€¦breathe.

Word of the Year: Healthy
Is it time to take care of yourself?

Before a new year begins, I choose a one-word focus for the year to come. For me, the chosen word serves as a declaration of sorts: "In the new year, no matter what, I will be/will have ___." For example, my word for 2014 is "bold." In 2014, no matter what ...

3 Temptations of Leadership: Envy
Itā€™s just one of the respectable sins we find easy to hide while it poisons us

Christian leaders struggle with all sorts of temptations. We fool ourselves if we think otherwise. It's how we handle those temptations that determine whether or not lives will be destroyed.

Often when we think of Christian leaders and their temptations, we think about the so-called ...

Her Homiletics Professor Didnā€™t Think Women Should Preach
An interview with Dr. Marguerite Shuster, Professor of Preaching and Theology at Fuller Seminary

Here at GFL we're interested in the unique journeys of women who are called into leadership. That Dr. Marguerite Shuster, Professor of Preaching and Theology at Fuller Seminary has remarked, "I would never recommend that anyone proceed as I have if she wants to get anywhere," ...

3 Temptations of Leadership: Pride
Watch out for the many faces of this destructive sin

In an op-ed column in the New York Times, Frank Bruni had these admiring words to say about Pope Francis on the heels of the pontiff's interview with Fr. Anthony Spadaro, S.J.: "It was the sweetness in his timbre, the meekness of his posture. It was the revelation that a man ...

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