Shut Up and Show Up
Become a minister of presence

My husband and I couldn't eat or sleep. We couldn't think clearly enough to work and yet couldn't imagine being home with the walls caving in around us. We had cried until we were surprised there were any tears left. The news we had received was devastating. We found ourselves ...

When Artists and Engineers Collide
Building a team of very different minds

The outreach team at our church had a daunting task. We were responsible for attracting the unchurched, making newcomers feel welcome, and helping reach out to our community in practical ways. All of us were enthusiastic about doing just that, but not all of us agreed on the ...

Whole-Brain Creativity
Contrary to popular mythology, everyone is an artist

If you spend five minutes scrolling through your Facebook feed, you are bound to come across at least one post that promises to help you determine whether you are right- or left-brain dominant. The lateralization theory explains your thinking and behavior based on which hemisphere ...

Don't Miss This Great Giveaway for Church Leaders!
Enter to win our valuable Summer Prize Pack, including Logos 5 and Leadership Journal

Gifted women, we've got a great opportunity for you to win some valuable resources for your ministry. Don't miss your chance to win Leadership Journal's Summer Prize Pack. This includes the powerful Logos 5 Bible study suite and a free subscription to Leadership, our sister ...

Identity and Worship Speak into the Life of a Leader
An interview with worship and executive pastor Gail Song Bantum
Identity and Worship Speak into the Life of a Leader

Reverend Gail Song Bantum is the Worship and Executive Pastor at Quest Church in Seattle, Washington. She is passionate about leadership development and leads seminars in diverse contexts. This is what she had to say when we sat down to talk about leadership:

As women, and particularly ...

Offer Support, Not Shame
10 things Iā€™ve learned while walking with wives of sexual offenders
Offer Support, Not Shame
Image: Lightstock

The Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) reports that one in six American women is a victim of attempted or completed sexual assault in her lifetime. Forty-four percent of victims are under the age of 18. The fact that these offenses are being perpetrated so regularly ...

What Did I Expect?
Sometimes ministry feels like one long struggle toward compassion and forgiveness

He didn't say, "Take up your sofa, the really light comfy one, and follow me." He also didn't say, "Click 'like' and follow my entertaining tweets from the comfort of your own home." Just like he didn't say, "Here's an Instagram of a dead person I raised. Share if you think ...

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