Has Accountability Disappeared from the Church?
Itā€™s no wonder weā€™ve lost our influence
Has Accountability Disappeared from the Church?

Merriam-Webster defines accountability as “the quality or state of being accountable; an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions.” As we watch the news today, it appears as if no one wants to be held accountable. ...

Lead Me On: When Stephen Colbert Says Thatā€™s Not Good Enough
Are you measuring against the wrong benchmark?
Lead Me On: When Stephen Colbert Says Thatā€™s Not Good Enough
Image: Thinkstock

Leading up to his last episode of The Colbert Report, more than one million viewers tuned in nightly to laugh at Stephen Colbert.

His Emmy award-winning jokes were fired at viewers fast and easy. However, Colbert recently told a Slatepodcast audience that those jokes represented ...

Tips for Preventing Suicide
Take action based on the level of risk
Tips for Preventing Suicide
Image: Thinkstock

Unfortunately, there is no miraculous human intervention that resolves suicide risk. But there are specific actions you can take to prevent suicide, actions that become more extensive with increasing risk. Following are several ideas for pastoral care, which is different ...

Why Care about the Global Church?
If for no other reason, it provides perspective and balance
Why Care about the Global Church?

Hindus attack Christians in India. Chinese believers are imprisoned for taking a stand against their government’s position on house churches. Venezuelan Christians are reeling from a perpetually downturned economy. Many West African Christians were suffering from lack ...

Donā€™t Be Okay with Quitting
How to get in touch with your inner Navy SEAL
Donā€™t Be Okay with Quitting
Image: Thinkstock

My husband has been in the SEAL teams for sixteen years. Over the ten years Steve and I have been married, I’ve heard great stories about his job. My very favorite, though, is a story from his days as a BUD/S student.

During the infamous “Hell Week,” the ...

No Turning Back
Like Daniel, follow God regardless of whoā€™s following you
No Turning Back
Image: Thinkstock

When aspiring to lead, when entrusted with a leadership role, when seen as a leader, each one of us faces a huge temptation. It’s the temptation to believe leading is the goal.

For generations, our church culture has elevated leaders, counting them higher than the ...

3 Ways to Fight Back with Joy as You Lead
Itā€™s a potent weapon for lifeā€™s battles
3 Ways to Fight Back with Joy as You Lead
Image: Thinkstock

What begins as a gift soon becomes a grind.

Endless demands. Pressing deadlines. Unexpected interruptions.

The pressure to perform and produce can leave us feeling weary in the marrow of our being. The joy designed to grow into sweet plumpness soon shrivels. Smiles become ...

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