Worship in a Dynamic and Diverse Culture
An interview with Nikki Lerner, Worship Director at Bridgeway Community Church
Worship in a Dynamic and Diverse Culture

Nikki Lerner serves as the Worship Ministry Director at Bridgeway Community Church in Columbia, Maryland, under the leadership of Dr. David Anderson. She has the honor of leading worship for a thriving multicultural congregation of 3500+ people every weekend. In addition ...

Healing—and Leading—After Tragedy, Part Three
Recovering from trauma is possible, necessary, and sometimes very hard.
Healingā€”and Leadingā€”After Tragedy, Part Three

I thought Rich’s death meant the end of my ministry dreams. He was my husband, and he was my ministry partner, part of every plan I had. I had leaned on his strengths heavily. He dealt with the people issues; I kept everything organized.

Once he was gone, I had no ...

Healing—and Leading—After Tragedy, Part Two
Recovering from trauma is possible, necessary, and sometimes very hard.
Healingā€”and Leadingā€”After Tragedy, Part Two

The days immediately after Rich’s death were a blur. Hospital scans eased doctors’ fears about internal injuries, so they released me. My parents took me home. I looked around my room, feeling hollow until I walked into our closet. His smell, his essence, was ...

Healing—and Leading—After Tragedy, Part One
Recovering from trauma is possible, necessary, and sometimes very hard.
Healingā€”and Leadingā€”After Tragedy, Part One

Millions of predictable seconds will tick by, marking out a lifetime for each of us. Just a handful of moments will stop us short, altering our future so completely that it’s not recognizable as connected to our past. Thirteen years ago, I was confronted by this kind ...

Can We Stop the Fall from Grace?
Itā€™s unwise to believe we can fight temptation in our own power.
Can We Stop the Fall from Grace?

Three days after I read an article by a church leader who had fallen into sexual sin with someone in the church, my husband asked me to pray with him because he felt he was being tempted by women at his job. He said the attacks happened quite suddenly and wanted me to know ...

Youā€™ve Hit a Roadblockā€¦Now What?
When God says ā€œstop,ā€ he doesnā€™t always mean ā€œquitā€
Youā€™ve Hit a Roadblockā€¦Now What?

Have you ever come to a roadblock in your ministry or job and wondered why God would lead you along so clearly only to bring you to a sudden standstill? That’s happened to me many times as I’ve followed His leading and then gotten confused when I felt Him say ...

God Lives in the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days
We need more leaders who are willing to say they don't have all the answers
God Lives in the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days

“It's been an Alexander day.”

I love that when I say that to my True Love, he knows exactly what I mean.

“Some days are like that. Even in Australia.”

My Alexander day didn’t involve railroad pajamas, but it did start with only five ...

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