When Church Leaders Mistreat You
It takes courage and strength to replace anger with love
When Church Leaders Mistreat You

The words mistreatment and church leader shouldn't be in the same sentence, but unfortunately sometimes they are. The fact is, many people on staff, as well as members of the church, are mistreated by their leaders.

My husband and I were mistreated by our pastor, and ...

Hollowed Out, Hallowed In
Leading during a time of personal trauma
Hollowed Out, Hallowed In

As leaders in ministry we expect ourselves to have the answers for the walking wounded who come to us for counsel. Depending on our gifts and our roles, we deliver the sermons or teachings that heal, the physical gestures that comfort, the counsel that soothes, or the silence ...

Stilling the Storm
A book review
Stilling the Storm

“Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” the disciples asked Jesus, waking him, during a storm. Perhaps this question is one we’ve asked Jesus, too, during difficult times in our own congregation. Many of us have asked questions like these:

• ...

When You Just Canā€™t Care Anymore
Preventing and healing compassion fatigue
When You Just Canā€™t Care Anymore

It’s late evening and you’ve finally settled in bed. You are pastor-on-call, and the last thing you want is for the phone to ring.

Your cell rings.

Your adrenaline pumps. Immediately you swing into “pastor mode.”

The woman on the other end of ...

Married, Spiritually Single, and Called to Lead
Managing tension between marriage and ministry
Married, Spiritually Single, and Called to Lead

As a married woman in leadership whose husband doesn’t share her faith, I’ve learned that managing the tension between marriage and ministry is hard. Navigating competing values and priorities, cross-gender relationships, and loneliness can be frustrating and ...

Make Conflict Work for You
Handling disagreement can help your relationships
Make Conflict Work for You

During a routine ministry meeting, I expressed my opinion on a particular topic relevant to our meeting. “Whoa!” said one of the members. “I’m not sure I agree with that.” This began a long discussion, with heated exchanges on both sides. At ...

Connect Your Church with Its Community
An interview with Dana Baker, pastor of multicultural ministries, church partnership, and prayer
Connect Your Church with Its Community

Dana Baker has had an exciting and unsuspecting journey to leadership in the church and community, and she is glad to share her experience with our readers. Dana is pastor of multicultural ministries, church partnership, and prayer at Grace Chapel, a non-denominational church ...

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