On the Road to Racial Reconciliation
Valuing reconciliation is not the same as actively engaging in it.
On the Road to Racial Reconciliation
Image: Jazmin Quaynor/Unsplash

I used to belong to a church that no longer exists. We were founded on a vision of being a multicultural worshiping congregation that was empowered by the Holy Spirit to do innovative outreach in the community. For me it was a dream come true. However, after I had been a ...

Women, Calling, and Guilt
Is seminary a waste of time?
Women, Calling, and Guilt

For the first year and a half that Marcy* was in seminary, she struggled with guilt. Marcy was a full-time student at an evangelical seminary, but she was also a staff person at a para-church ministry. She worried her financial supporters wouldn’t understand, and she ...

Four Steps to Form a Personal Support Group
As you minister to others, don't neglect your own need for challenge and encouragement.
Four Steps to Form a Personal Support Group

When my husband and I planted a church, our entire focus was on what we could do for others. We wanted to win people to Christ, disciple them, and send them out to do the same. We became single-minded, and we worked harder than I ever thought possible.

This was all good, ...

Young Mom Turned Evangelist
Aimee Semple McPherson encourages us to be creative, compassionate, and courageous.
Young Mom Turned Evangelist

On a street corner in Ontario in 1915, a young woman jumped onto a chair, raised her arms to heaven, closed her eyes, and stood motionless for a time. The crowd around her grew, along with taunts, questions, and jeers. After a while, a man reached up to touch her arm, seeing ...

Passion Is Not Enough
Why you need a clear vision and mission for your ministry
Passion Is Not Enough
Image: Teresa Robinson/Flickr

Many leaders mistake mission and vison, but they’re not the same. Martin Luther King Jr. had a vision—a dream—to end segregation. His mission involved various methods like marches, speeches, and boycotts to help make that vision a reality. The mission is ...

Diagnosing and Changing Church Culture
What you need to know about your past to move forward
Diagnosing and Changing Church Culture
Image: Kevin Labianco/Flickr

What do you do when you realize your church talks the talk, but doesn’t walk the walk? It’s an all-too-common realization, and one I’ve had myself. I agreed with all the church’s stated values, I affirmed their mission, but in reality, those written ...

The Root of Ministry Effectiveness
What every church leader should know about organizational culture
The Root of Ministry Effectiveness

The job description was a good fit. Looking over the church’s literature and noticing the symbols around the building, she felt comfortable as she walked into the interview. She agreed wholeheartedly with the values communicated during the interview, plus the vision ...

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