We Can't Help Everyone
When it comes to people with mental illness, I have to recognize my limitations.
We Can't Help Everyone

Early in my life, there were countless times I felt left out. Even when I was included, I often felt like I didn’t fit in. Because of this, I am drawn to the needy and disenfranchised, naturally gravitating toward anyone in the room who seems lonely. Many women leaders ...

My Struggle with Maternity Leave
What I learned when I took 10 weeks away from my ministry
My Struggle with Maternity Leave

I started my first full-time ministry position as a youth and family pastor shortly after graduating from seminary. I had been married for a little over three years, my husband had a stable job, and we had recently purchased our first home.

Just like that, my biological clock ...

When Itā€™s Time to Quit
ā€œFinish what you startā€ isnā€™t always good advice.
When Itā€™s Time to Quit

As a child, I was told, “Don’t be a quitter.” and “Finish what you start.” These commands served as a means of encouragement and motivation for academic performance, athletic prowess, and character building. Through these instructions, I learned ...

Is Having It All Worth Having?
Three practices that help me focus on what matters.
Is Having It All Worth Having?

The woman who has it all always look flawless. She’s an immaculate homemaker, devoted mother, stylish decorator, exciting wife, gourmet chef, thoughtful friend, and successful worker. Before you get down on yourself for not measuring up, though, realize that the woman ...

5 Self-Examination Questions to Prevent Burnout
When it comes to burnout, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
5 Self-Examination Questions to Prevent Burnout

One of the greatest privileges of ministry is having a front-row seat to the life change that happens when God is at work in someone’s life. Ministry goes beyond our job to a calling that brings us purpose and fulfillment. We become swept up in the adventure and excitement ...

My Friendship with Elisabeth Elliot
Leadership lessons over decadent desserts changed my life.
My Friendship with Elisabeth Elliot
Image: Used with permission from Lars Gren

“The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am a Christian makes me a different kind of woman.” —Elisabeth Elliot

On June 15, 2015, Elisabeth Elliot, one of the most influential Christian women of the 20th ...

Youā€™re Not Always Right
We all have biases that affect the way we interpret the Bible.
Youā€™re Not Always Right

There are Christians who have very strong opinions on just about everything: how to vote, how to raise children, how to date, how to stay married, and how to interpret Scripture. Often, Christians back up their opinions with Scripture. But how many of those subjects are truly ...

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