My Husband Isnā€™t Called to Ministry
My dreams of ministering together were dashed, but I got something better in return.
My Husband Isnā€™t Called to Ministry

I always thought I’d marry a man in ministry. Together, we’d be a kingdom powerhouse. We’d make people laugh, think, feel, and smile, all for the glory of God. Our unique pairing would be used to bring people closer to Christ.

Dreaming about who we’d be ...

Encourage More Women to Lead
Regardless of theology, we need to empower more women to use their gifts in the local church.
Encourage More Women to Lead

I’m not here to convince people to change their theological stance on the role of women in pastoral ministry. What I would like to ask everyone to consider, however, is:

How can I maximize the gifts and talents of women given the particular theological context of my church? ...

Ministry Misfit
Can a pastor be an introvert?
Ministry Misfit

I grew up in a church that didn’t support women in ministry. So when God started tugging my heart toward vocational ministry, it took me a long to time to understand what was going on. With no visible examples of women leading in the church, I had a difficult time picturing ...

Ladies Who Lunch—with Men
Do your coworkers follow the Billy Graham Rule?
Ladies Who Lunchā€”with Men

Four months into a new ministry position (not in the church I currently serve), I reached out to my colleague. “Let’s grab lunch someday,” I suggested. Other staff seemed to come and go freely from meals and meetings, swapping ideas, covering ground together. ...

The Truth About Sexism in the Church
And how to keep it from breaking you down.
The Truth About Sexism in the Church

The truth about sexism in the church needs to be heard, it needs to be told, and it needs to be called out. It should be devastating that you will experience sexism when it comes to your call to ministry. It should be devastating that the one institution on which you depend ...

Preaching in the Midst of Tragedy
In four years of pastoral ministry, Iā€™ve had to preach through four national tragedies.
Preaching in the Midst of Tragedy

Moments before Sunday service, I received a knock on the door of my study. An usher peeked her head around the door and said, "Your father wanted me to give you this message: After you left for church the news report revealed that the death toll has risen from 20 to 50.” ...

Wounded Leaders Wound Others
The negative effects of leading with unmet intimacy needs.
Wounded Leaders Wound Others

A life-giving leader understands the difference between being led by the Spirit of God and being driven out of an unmet need. A ministry or church that is personality-driven is usually led by a person who has a deep need for approval stemming from a fear of failure and rejection. ...

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