Share, Listen, and Listen Some More

Every woman knows how to minimize herself, and we need to put a stop to it—here’s how.
Share, Listen, and Listen Some More
Image: iStock

“I am not a woman, so I don’t have bad days,” Russian President Vladimir Putin recently said in an interview. Like you, I read that statement and balk. What right does he have to make such blanket statements about an entire gender, let alone debilitate women to mere stereotype?

Nevertheless, an interesting phenomenon happens when I enter church territory―I ...

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Making the Leap from Marketplace to Ministry

Five truths to keep in mind when God calls you to a big career change
Making the Leap from Marketplace to Ministry
Image: iStock

My move from business to full-time ministry happened so fast, I probably should have seen a chiropractor for whiplash. I had held a litany of diverse jobs over the years―everything from fast food cashier to customer service representative, wardrobe coordinator on a Christian nativity musical tour to a very brief stint in the technical department of a major city’s opera ...

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3 Ways to Maximize Co-Pastoring

Effective co-pastoring requires more than just dividing up tasks.
3 Ways to Maximize Co-Pastoring
Image: iStock

It was official. We were co-pastors, elected by our church to serve as a husband and wife team. Now what?

As the bright light of excitement from starting our new co-pastoring journey dimmed, and we settled into the daily grind of parish ministry, we were dismayed to discover we had no idea how to co-pastor. None at all. We both had degrees in ministry and were pursuing master’s ...

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Sleep: The Neglected Gift

As a pastor, I learned I needed to embrace God's gift of sleep.
Sleep: The Neglected Gift
Image: iStock

Diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, high blood pressure, and severe sleep apnea, I changed my diet and began to exercise. In a year, I lost 27 pounds, resulting in a decrease in pain and 2 dress sizes. But I still dragged through each day as if there were a weight on my back.

Being a workaholic mother, wife, grandmother, speech-language pathologist, church planter, ...

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Sabbath Is More than Rest

Everyone wants a break and more time off, but Sabbath offers more.
Sabbath Is More than Rest
Image: iStock

I have struggled over the years as I’ve tried to find balance in practicing Sabbath. As a new believer, I took the Ten Commandments as gospel and thought a lot about what it means to keep it holy. For me, that easily translated into going to church, and then coming home to investigate the passage that was preached. I spent the afternoon combing the verses that came before ...

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Lead from Where You Are

Give to others from your own walk with God.
Lead from Where You Are
Image: iStock

"You walk with God and teach others out of that." My professor's words etched themselves onto my soul as he spoke.

Over a decade later, I have yet to forget them. In fact, they have become a simple reminder―a scripted placard hanging on the doorpost of my mind―that have guided me through many seasons of ministry.

As women, we often put so much pressure on ourselves ...

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Disillusioned by the Church

When organizational culture makes you wonder if you belong
Disillusioned by the Church
Image: iStock

Lisa could not believe what she was hearing.

The worship pastor at her church was clearly a very gifted musician. On Sundays, he consistently produced the highest quality worship program she ever experienced. Unfortunately, it was evident his quest for musical perfection came at a high relational price. Simply put, Peter was a jerk. He unapologetically bullied people, using ...

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Imagining the Next Generation of Women in Leadership

A conversation between a lead pastor and her daughter
Imagining the Next Generation of Women in Leadership
Image: Provided by the author

I’m purposeful in how I develop my staff members as leaders. I tell them what I see in them, put them in new situations which stretch them, sit with them regularly to ask, “How do you need to vent, process, or pray with me?” And, as uncomfortable as it makes me, I let them see my own struggles so they’re not surprised when leadership is hard. Without ...

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We Need a Cascade Effect in the Church

What might happen if more women were leading in the church?
We Need a Cascade Effect in the Church
Image: iStock

A pack of wolves makes their way to the winding mountain stream for a cool drink of water. They are healthy and strong—their coats wave back and forth in the crisp mountain breeze. As the sun pierces through the trees and illuminates the wolves, a glowing effect is created on the insects dancing in the air. The river glistens—it, too, is healthy. A sight for sore ...

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Break Your Day into Thirds

A creative way to avoid burnout in ministry
Break Your Day into Thirds
Image: iStock

I was only a couple of years into ministry and already on the verge of burn out. As the director of a youth outreach organization, my job often involved early morning breakfast meetings with donors, followed by administrative duties throughout the morning and early afternoon. Most of my direct time with high school and middle school students started in the late afternoon, ...

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