News You Can Use: Eyes on Miley, Government Gridlock, Hatmaker Home & Garden, and a Popular Pope

Four recent events that matter to your ministry

Consider these recent events and how they might affect your ministry.

Miley in the News

It's been a few weeks since Miley Cyrus twerked her way into the news with a controversial performance at the MTV Video Music Awards, but the reactions from fans, concerned citizens, and fellow musicians just, well, can't seem to stop.

If you have somehow missed the flurry of open letters ...

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Youth Ministry Myths

An interview with Princeton Seminary Professor Kenda Creasy Dean

Today we're chatting with Kenda Creasy Dean, Princeton Theological Seminary's Professor of Youth, Church, and Culture. Here this wise guide reveals who lasts in youth ministry, why a youth group might not be necessary, and the particular challenges women face in youth ministry. (If you want more, you can find the full interview here.)

Kenda, we'd love to hear about your calling ...

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Establishing and Navigating Relational Boundaries

Setting limits is part of caring for yourself and others
Establishing and Navigating Relational Boundaries

One of the oft-overlooked components of successful leadership is the thoughtful establishment of clear expectations and boundaries regarding our availability to those we lead. After 20 years, I have come to understand that the more intentionality we bring to this, the better off we—and our volunteers—will be.

Why We Need Boundaries

Successful leaders routinely rise ...

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In Pursuit of Justice, Passion Is Not Enough

An interview with Rev. Alexia Salvatierra, Director of Justice Ministries for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

I am excited about the work of the Holy Spirit, raising up a generation of believers who are discontent with The Hole in our Gospel and are seeking to fill the hole in tangible ways within their homes, churches, and local communities, and throughout the world. Having a conviction and passion, however, is only the beginning of pursing justice God's way. We must remain faithful ...

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Sharing the Good News with Mormons

A former faithful Mormon and BYU professor encourages outreach

After 30 years in the Mormon Church, I left my job, my home, my community, and my church—all because of an amazing encounter with the Jesus of the Bible. Coming to know the biblical Jesus changed my life in profound ways I feel inadequate to articulate. Going from a gospel of works in Mormonism to resting in the Jesus who did it all on the cross for me—a free gift available ...

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Understanding Mormonism

A former faithful Mormon and BYU professor explains

Since Mitt Romney ran for president, many are curious about his Mormon faith, with good reason. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Mormons tend to be friendly, hard-working, conservative, moral people—model citizens who want to be accepted as part of the body of Christ. Their church culture is close-knit and family-oriented. But as one who spent ...

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Invisible Labor

Stay faithful even when you can’t see the fruit
Invisible Labor

I sat at my computer and hoped the words would compose. Why am I doing this to myself? I wondered. After two years of freelance writing, I felt I had little to show for my work.

The slow progress left me frustrated and feeling alone. If this was the place where God had called me, why wasn't he blessing my efforts? Why were my days made up of unanswered emails and unending ...

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No More Stones

I thought I was beyond redemption, but I learned to accept God’s love for me

The first time one hit me, it hurt. After multiple hits, I became numb to the pain. The stones thrown at me no longer scared or hurt me. As a twice-divorced women, I faced accusers, the greatest one being myself. To avoid the stones, I relinquished the call God had placed on my life to serve and work with others. I rejected grace and accepted the judgment of others and myself. ...

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Foremothers of the Messiah

In the genealogy of Jesus, God’s activity in and through women is obvious

In the pages of the Hebrew Bible, we find stories of women who went before us and left their mark on our history with God. In the material known to us today as the Old Testament, we read of women who were prophets, military leaders, priests, wise women, and wisdom personified. However, to study the lives of these women is no easy task. The stories as we have them were not ...

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Healing Waters Bible Study

A resource review

The book:Healing Waters Leader Guide: A Bible Study on Forgiveness, Grace and Second Chances

By Melody Carlson

Published by Abingdon Press

Why I picked up this book:

I have several books come across my desk every day at work. With so many books vying for my attention, a book needs to be unique and purposeful in order to grab my attention. Healing Waters was exactly that. As a ...

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