Innovative Ministry
9 Questions To Ask Before Rebooting Or Revitalizing A Church
Rebooting or revitalizing an existing church is a huge undertaking. But when it’s done well, it’s extremely rewarding.
9 Questions To Ask Before Rebooting Or Revitalizing A Church
Image: Katherine Volkovski | Unsplash

They say it’s easier to have a baby than to raise the dead.

That’s one reason many pastors choose to plant a church rather than turn an existing one around. (Other reasons include the importance of fresh, new churches and a little thing known as God’s call, ...

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Christian Unity
Why We Have To Talk About Church Size
Let’s ask the questions that need to be asked, and offer honest, grace-filled answers that tell us what we need to know.
Why We Have To Talk About Church Size
Image: Joshua Ness | Unsplash

There are two approaches when we talk about church size.

The first one is to use church size and, more specifically, church growth as the main way to tell if a church is healthy, strong and effective. Big and getting bigger? Great! Small and staying small? Not so good.

The second ...

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Christian Unity
Here’s The Best Way You Can Help A Small Church Pastor Today
Ministry is hard. Small church ministry is relentless. Doing it alone is impossible.
Here’s The Best Way You Can Help A Small Church Pastor Today
Image: Jon Tyson | Unsplash

Small church pastors labor under a great deal of discouragement.

They work unbelievably long hours (often full-time at a paying job in addition to pastoral ministry) with very little money (many supplement the church from their bivocational pay) and very little encouragement.

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Innovative Ministry
17 Steps For Writers and Speakers To Catch The Attention Of Publishers And Conferences
Publishers and conferences are always looking for good content. Here’s what I’ve learned about creating something they need.
17 Steps For Writers and Speakers To Catch The Attention Of Publishers And Conferences
Image: Siora Photography | Unsplash

Just a few years ago, I was happily pastoring a small church, expecting to spend the rest of my ministry that way.

Then I wrote a book about it, and everything changed.

Now I have two books out, a third on the way, and I’m asked to speak at dozens of conferences every year. ...

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Church & Culture
The Growing Danger Of Assigning Guilt By Association
How can we effect change if we can’t find common ground with people who see things differently?
The Growing Danger Of Assigning Guilt By Association
Image: Sammie Vasquez | Unsplash

It’s getting harder to be nice anymore.

I have friends on all sides of virtually every political, theological and philosophical issue. People with whom I have significant disagreements on some subjects, yet find common ground on others.

But it’s becoming difficult ...

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Church & Culture
What Does Your Church Do That Your Phone Can’t Do?
Online connectivity is great. But it will never replace spending time in the presence of other people who love Jesus, too.
What Does Your Church Do That Your Phone Can’t Do?
Image: Annie Theby | Unsplash

For generations, churches were the center of community life in many towns.

Want to know what time it is? Listen for the chimes from the Lutheran church steeple.

Going to the store? Turn left at the Baptist church.

Bored on a Sunday night? Check out the revival at the Pentecostal ...

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Innovative Ministry
Why Break Church Growth Barriers? (And Why This Question Matters)
Before learning how to get bigger, every church needs to ask if it should get bigger.
Why Break Church Growth Barriers? (And Why This Question Matters)
Image: Maarten van den Heuvel | Unsplash

You can’t pastor a church of 500 the way you pastored it at 100. Or a church of 100 the way you did at 25.

But how do we know if we should break through from one size to another?

For at least a generation there’s been an underlying assumption that every church should ...

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