Small Church Ministry
Why We Stopped Taking Attendance At Our Church For A While
Getting more precise numbers wasn’t going to fix the obvious problems or identify the undiscovered ones.
Why We Stopped Taking Attendance At Our Church For A While
Image: amboo who? | Flickr

Numbers matter, because people matter.

If we keep track of them correctly, the right numbers can give us a lot of helpful information about a church and its ministries.

For many years, I kept track of church attendance numbers very carefully. As the church grew, I calculated growth ...

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Innovative Ministry
Pastoral Transition: Six Factors That Help A Church Navigate Big Changes
Churches that resist change have a harder time when change is needed. Churches that regularly make smaller transitions hone their transition skills.
Pastoral Transition: Six Factors That Help A Church Navigate Big Changes
Image: jeanbaptisteparis | Flickr

Six months ago today, our church made our biggest transition in a quarter century.

After being the lead pastor for 25 years, I stepped aside so that Gary Garcia (the youth pastor who has been with me for that entire time) could take my position, while I became the teaching pastor. ...

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Small Church Ministry
The Biggest Misunderstanding About Small Church Pastors
We don't have a limited vision. Our best contributions to Christ’s kingdom happen to be in a smaller setting.
The Biggest Misunderstanding About Small Church Pastors
Image: Doug Orleans | Flickr

There are a lot of misunderstandings about small churches and the people who pastor them.

  • That we’re a problem to be fixed
  • That we could be bigger if we’d just follow the latest 8-step church growth plan
  • That we can only do good ministry when we hit a certain critical mass
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Church Leadership
The Invisible Scandal: How Bad Debt And Poor Stewardship Are Killing The Church's Reputation
People want to give. God wants to provide. Our churches need to be places worthy of those gifts and that provision.
The Invisible Scandal: How Bad Debt And Poor Stewardship Are Killing The Church's Reputation
Image: PhotoAtelier | Flickr

There’s a scandal going on in the church today.

It is one of the biggest scandals in church history, yet it remains invisible to most of us.

No, it’s not the sexual sins of some of our leaders. It’s not the physical, emotional and spiritual abuse of church members, ...

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Small Church Ministry
Why There’s No “Typical” Sunday In A Small Church – And 5 Ways To Adapt To It
Small church pastors aren’t bad at planning, they’re just dealing with a much more fluid situation than our big church peers.
Why There’s No “Typical” Sunday In A Small Church – And 5 Ways To Adapt To It
Image: Laura Larose | Flickr

How was church attendance yesterday?

In our church, we started the first service with more people on stage than in the audience.

It filled in to a normal summer crowd later, but for a while it was looking rough.

That’s the way attendance is in a small church. You can have ...

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Church & Culture
The World Isn’t Looking For a Bigger Church, They Want A Better Church
What people really want from the church are the characteristics the New Testament has always told us the church is supposed to be about.
The World Isn’t Looking For a Bigger Church, They Want A Better Church
Image: Sascha Kohlmann | Flickr

Pastors want bigger churches.

Church members? Not so much.

Sure, a lot of people go to big churches. That’s what makes them big, after all. And the majority of them are strong, healthy churches doing great ministry. But if you ask the average member why they attend, “because ...

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Innovative Ministry
5 Steps To Move A Church From A Static To A Dynamic Organizational Style
Lack of an Org Chart is no excuse for lack of organization.
5 Steps To Move  A Church From A Static To A Dynamic Organizational Style
Image: Chris | Flickr

There are two different types of churches, organizationally.

Static and dynamic.

As we saw in a previous article, Why Most Small Churches Don’t Use (Or Need) An Organizational Chart, the smaller the church, the less necessary it is to use a static organizational system.

Static ...

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