Church & Culture
4 Questions To Consider Before Commenting On A Controversial Subject
If I can cut through the clutter, I’ll speak up. If I’m just adding to it, I’ll stay quiet.
4 Questions To Consider Before Commenting On A Controversial Subject
Image: Marco Verch | Flickr

Everybody has an opinion.

And everyone is entitled to one.

But not every opinion is of equal value. Including mine.

With the advent of social media, we can state our opinion on platforms that can potentially be seen by thousands of people. Because of this, our opinion feels like ...

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Church Growth
6 Takeaways From “The Church Growth Gap” LifeWay Research Survey
We seldom see the value of smaller congregations, even when the facts show them to us.
6 Takeaways From “The Church Growth Gap” LifeWay Research Survey
Image: Nicole Honeywill | Unsplash

Last week, Aaron Earls wrote a very helpful article entitled The Church Growth Gap: The Big Get Bigger While the Small Get Smaller. In it, he outlined the results of a recent survey taken by LifeWay Research.

There’s a lot of data in the survey and the article, much of ...

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Church Leadership
Put People First: Why Many Small Church Pastors Can Spend Less Time On Sermon Prep
The smaller the church, the more discipleship is caught through relationships than it's taught through preaching.
Put People First: Why Many Small Church Pastors Can Spend Less Time On Sermon Prep
Image: Debby Hudson | Unsplash

As pastors, we typically spend our time in three overlapping areas of ministry: communication, administration and relationships.

But our time is always limited, so on those weeks when time gets tighter, which of the three should we spend extra time on, and which of the three ...

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Christian Unity
Small Churches Are Stuck (But Not The Way You Think)
Churches on either end of the size spectrum are usually seen as fulfilling their calling. But those in the middle? Not so much.
Small Churches Are Stuck (But Not The Way You Think)
Image: Warren Wong | Unsplash

If you are leading a healthy and effective house church, you may face some criticism for not getting bigger. But most people will start with the assumption that your size is appropriate for your calling.

If you are leading a healthy and effective big church, you may face some ...

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Church & Culture
A Question Of Character: Getting Unstuck Is Not The Church’s Biggest Problem
It’s getting harder to blame small or stuck congregations for what’s wrong with the church.
A Question Of Character: Getting Unstuck Is Not The Church’s Biggest Problem
Image: Ben White | Unsplash

There is a crisis in the church.

People are leaving.

And we want them to come back.

But before we ask how to get them back, we need to ask why they’re leaving in the first place.

It’s not because our churches aren’t big enough, cool enough, relevant enough, or ...

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Christian Unity
The Biggest Difference Between Churches That Are Raising Young Leaders And Those That Aren't
We cannot simultaneously mourn the absence of young church leaders while belittling the way they lead.
The Biggest Difference Between Churches That Are Raising Young Leaders And Those That Aren't
Image: John Moeses Bauan | Unsplash

There seems to be an absence of young people stepping up to take leadership roles in the church.

I say “seems to be…” because that’s what I keep hearing from so many of my contemporaries in ministry.

“It’s hard to find younger leaders!” ...

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The Main Way We're Failing Small Churches (And How To Start Succeeding With Them)
Pastoring a small church is not a penalty for doing something wrong. It's a specialty – and it's worth doing well.
The Main Way We're Failing Small Churches (And How To Start Succeeding With Them)
Image: Andrick Langfield | Unsplash

Small congregations are the backbone of the church.

Over 90 percent of churches are under 200 people. As many as half of all Christians attend a small congregation.

But if you take a look at the dominant teaching about church leadership, you might think that all those churches ...

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