
Marshall Baldwin, Christianity Through the 13th Century (Harper & Row)

Henry Bettenson, Documents of the Christian Church (Oxford)

Paul S. Boyer, ed., The Oxford Companion to United States History (Oxford)

Herbert Butterfield, Christianity and History (Fontana)

Warren H. Carroll, A History of Christendom (Christendom Press)

Henry Chadwick and G. R. Evans, eds., Atlas of the Christian Church (Facts on File)

Owen Chadwick, gen. ed., The Penguin History of the Church, 7 vols. (Penguin)

F.L. Cross and Elizabeth A. Livingstone, eds. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (Oxford)

J. D. Douglas, ed., The New International Dictionary of the Christian Church (Zondervan)

Everett Ferguson, ed., Encyclopedia of Early Christianity (Garland)

W.H.C. Frend, The Rise of Christianity (Fortress)

Edwin S. Gaustad, A Documentary History of Religion in America (Zondervan)

Adrian Hastings, A History of African Christianity (Cambridge)

Kenneth Scott Latourette, A History of Christianity, 2 vols. (Harper & Row)

Samuel Hugh Moffett, A History of Christianity in Asia, 2 vols. (Harper Collins)

Stephen Neill, A History of Christian Missions (Viking)

Mark A. Noll, A History of Christianity in the United States and Canada (Eerdmans)

Roger Olson, The Story of Christian Theology (InterVarsity)

Jaroslav Pelikan, The Christian Tradition, 5 vols. (U. of Chicago)

Alexander Roberts, Ante-Nicene Fathers, 10 vols. (Eerdmans)

Philip Schaff, Creeds of Christendom, 3 vols. (Baker)

Philip Schaff, ed., Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers (Eerdmans)

Ruth A. Tucker, and Walter Liefeld, Daughters of the Church: Women and Ministry from New Testament Times to the Present (Zondervan)

Timothy Ware, The Orthodox Church (Penguin)

Early Church &

Middle Ages

Athanasius, On the Incarnation of the Word

Augustine, Confessions

Augustine, City of God

Geoffrey Barraclough, The Medieval Papacy (Norton)

Bernard of Clairvaux, On Loving God, trans. Emero Stiegman (Cistercian)

Bonaventure, The Soul's Journey into God, Ewert Cousins, ed. (Paulist)

Peter Brown, Augustine of Hippo (U. of California)

Peter Brown, The Making of Late Antiquity (U. of Chicago)

Peter Brown, The Rise of Western Christendom (Blackwell)

F.F. Bruce, Jesus and Christian Origins Outside the New Testament (Eerdmans)

John Cassian, The Institutes, trans. Boniface Ramsey (Newman)

Henry Chadwick, Early Christianity and the Classical Tradition (Clarendon)

G.K. Chesterton, St. Francis of Assisi (Image)

Everett Ferguson, Backgrounds of Early Christianity (Eerdmans)

Gregory the Great, Pastoral Rule, Walter J. Burghardt, trans. (Paulist)

David Knowles, The Evolution of Medieval Thought (Vintage)

Joseph H. Lynch, The Medieval Church: A Brief History (Addison-Wesley)

Heiko A. Oberman, Forerunners of the Reformation: The Shape of Late Medieval Thought (Fortress)

Robert Payne, The Fathers of the Western Church (Oxford)

R.W. Southern, The Making of the Middle Ages (Yale)

James Stevenson and W.H.C. Frend, eds., Creeds, Councils, and Controversies (SPCK)

James Stevenson, ed., A New Eusebius (SPCK)

Teresa of Avila, The Interior Castle, E. Allison Peers, trans. (Image)

Jean-Pierre Torrell, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Vol. 1: The Person and His Work, trans. by Robert Royal (Catholic U. of America)

Ugolino and W. Heywood, eds., The Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi (Vintage)

Frederik Van der Meer, Augustine the Bishop: The Life and Work of a Father of the Church (Sheed and Ward)

Kathleen Walsh, ed., Creation and Christ: The Wisdom of Hildegard von Bingen (Paulist)

Reformation and Modern

Stanley Ayling, John Wesley (Abingdon)

Roland H. Bainton, Christendom: A Short History of Christianity and Its Impact on Western Civilization (Harper & Row)

Roland H. Bainton, Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther (Penguin)

Roland H. Bainton, The Reformation of the 16th Century (Hodder and Stoughton)

D.W. Bebbington, Evangelicalism in Modern Britain (Unwin Hyman)

John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion

Owen Chadwick, The Reformation (Viking)

Gerald R. Cragg, The Church and the Age of Reason, 1648-1789 (Viking)

Arnold Dallimore, George Whitefield: Life and Times of the Great Evangelist of the Eighteenth Century (Banner of Truth)

Natalie Zemon Davis, Women on the Margins: Three Seventeenth-Century Lives (Harvard)

John Dillenberger, Martin Luther (Doubleday Anchor)

John Dillenberger and Clause Welch, Protestant Christianity (Scribners)

Will Durant, The Reformation (Simon and Schuster)

William R. Estep, The Anabaptist Story (Eerdmans)

Martin Luther, Small Catechism

Alister E. McGrath, A Life of John Calvin: A Study in the Shaping of Western Culture (Blackwell)

John T. McNeill, History and Character of Calvinism (Oxford)

Mark A. Noll, The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind (Eerdmans)

Heiko A. Oberman, Luther, Man Between God and the Devil (Image)

Albert C. Outler, ed., John Wesley (Oxford)

Lewis W. Spitz, The Protestant Reformation, 1517-1599 (Harper & Row)

Charles Wallace, Jr., ed., Susanna Wesley: The Complete Writings (Oxford)

W.R. Ward, Christianity under the Ancien RĂ©gime, 1648-1789 (Cambridge)

W.R. Ward, The Protestant Evangelical Awakening (Cambridge)

F. Wendel, Calvin: The Origins and Development of his Religious Thought, trans. Philip Mairet (Baker)


Sydney Ahlstrom, A Religious History of the American People (Yale)

Robert Mapes Anderson, Vision of the Disinherited: The Making of American Pentecostalism (Hendrickson)

Jon Butler, Awash in a Sea of Faith (Harvard)

Jon Butler and Harry Stout, Religion in American History: A Reader (Oxford)

Joel Carpenter, Revive Us Again (Oxford)

Jonathan Edwards, The Works of Jonathan Edwards (Yale)

David D. Hall, Worlds of Wonder, Days of Judgment (Knopf)

Keith J. Hardman, Charles G. Finney, 1792-1875; Revivalist and Reformer (Syracuse)

Nathan O. Hatch, The Democratization of American Christianity (Yale)

William R. Hutchison, The Modernist Impulse in American Protestantism (Oxford)

Susan Juster and Lisa MacFarlane, eds., A Mighty Baptism: Race, Gender, and the Creation of American Protestantism (Ithaca)

George M. Marsden, Fundamentalism and American Culture (Oxford)

William Martin, A Prophet With Honor: The Billy Graham Story (Morrow)

Martin E. Marty, Righteous Empire: The Protestant Experience in America (Dial)

Henry F. May, The Divided Heart: Essays on Protestantism and the Enlightenment in America (Oxford)

William G. McLoughlin, ed., American Evangelicals, 1800-1900(Harper & Row)

Perry Miller, The New England Mind, 2 vols. (Beacon)

Albert J. Raboteau, Slave Religion: "The Invisible Institution" in the Antebellum South (Oxford)

Timothy L. Smith, Revivalism and Social Reform in Mid-19th Century America (Abingdon/Harper)

Christian Smith, American Evangelicalism: Embattled and Thriving(U. of Chicago)

Harry S. Stout, The New England Soul: Preaching and Religious Culture in Colonial New England (Oxford)

Sojourner Truth, The Journal of Sojourner Truth (Dover)

Marguerite Van Die, ed., Religion and Public Life in Canada (Toronto)

Robert Wuthnow, The Restructuring of American Religion (Princeton)