
The Scars of Easter
He knows the wounds of humanity. His hands prove it.
Even the skeptic Voltaire knew it: the Resurrection is the North Star of authentic Christianity.
Is God a Psychotherapist?
M. Scott Peck's People of the Lie explores the dimensions of human and satanic evil.
The Art of the Heart
The Mystery of Death
At the highest moments, we are overtaken by the dread of mortality.
Exulting in Monotony
Must Ordinary People Know Theology?
The Christian army is the only one that trains just its chaplains and band directors.
Claiming the Molten Moment
The Spirit presents opportunities for growth in character. It is crucial not to miss them .
A Conversation with Carl Henry about the New Physics
A Disorienting View of God’s Creation
Faith in the crucible of the new physics.
Worship Is Forever
The Christ of Jangled Nerves
Knowing God in Justice, Love, and Holiness
Mushy ideas about his righteousness spread wrong questions and bad theology.
Schuller Clarifies His View of Sin
Four views of sin are popular today. Which is right?
A Theologian Looks at Schuller
Dr. Kantzer has read extensively the writings of Robert Schuller and was a member of the trio sent by CT to spend a day interviewing him.
Mid-life Crisis? Bah, Humbug!
It is easy to look at the future in a rearview mirror, but that always leads to a collision.

Top Story July 27, 2024

Kamala Harris Against History
Kamala Harris Against History
The candidate's "unburdened by what has been" and "coconut tree" lines push her party toward a troubling partisan divide over the past itself.

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