
Two Fallacies about Leisure
Teach Us to Play, Lord
We have long affirmed the Protestant work ethic. We need a leisure ethic to match.
Fiddling on the Brink of Hell
How We Became the “Great Satan”
God Lite
We may wish for a God of love without law, but we would not want what our wishes would give.
We Believe
The theological mainstream that issues from the Church’s early centuries provides the only hope of Christian unity in a Postmodern world.
The Shamanized Jesus
Simple facts and straightforward arguments can refute New Agers' distortions of Jesus and draw them to his love.
Drawing Down the Moon
Hundreds of Neopagan groups have sprouted in recent decades, forming a bizarre spiritual garden.
The Heresy of the Serious
If Jesus Is fully human, as orthodoxy insists, then surely he has a healthy sense of humor.
Are We Our Planet’s Keeper?
Our problems with the environment are not merely technical, they are spiritual.
An Unnatural Act
Despite being unfair, forgiveness is the only path open to those who follow Christ.
Believer’s Apprentice
The Road to Spiritual Maturity Is More Easily Traveled with a Fellow Pilgrim.
Risen in Deed
If Only Wesley Were Here
Checks against Syncretism
Preaching Christ or Packaging Jesus?
How does culture affect the way we understand- and explain-the gospel?
Your Pain in My Heart
We cannot know Christ unless, like Christ, we become engaged with those who suffer.

Top Story July 27, 2024

Kamala Harris Against History
Kamala Harris Against History
The candidate's "unburdened by what has been" and "coconut tree" lines push her party toward a troubling partisan divide over the past itself.

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