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Why We Need Jesus
Reason and morality cannot show us a good and gracious God. For that, we need the Incarnation.
A New Kind of Urban Ministry
Christians no longer want their communities fixed. They want them flourishing.
How to Read the Bible
New strategies for interpreting Scripture turn out to be not so new—and deepen our life in Christ.
The Gospel at Ground Zero
The horrors of 9/11 were not unlike those of Good Friday.
Americans Like Evangelicals After All
What they really think about evangelicals, and why we worry about it.
Refocusing on the Family
Like many evangelical organizations that were built in the past 50 years, Focus on the Family is attempting to thrive—and survive—past its founder.
The Search for the Historical Adam
The center of the evolution debate has shifted from asking whether we came from earlier animals to whether we could have come from one man and one woman.
A World Without the King James Version
Where we would be without the most popular English Bible ever.
Proselytizing in a Multi-Faith World
Why mutual respect and tolerance require us to witness for Christ.
The Son and the Crescent
Bible translations that avoid the phrase "Son of God" are bearing dramatic fruit among Muslims. But that translation has some missionaries and scholars dismayed.
Chasing Methuselah
Exercise, technology, and diet help us live longer than ever. Should those who look to eternal life care?
Jesus vs. Paul
Many biblical scholars have noted that Jesus preached almost exclusively about the kingdom of heaven, while Paul highlighted justification by faith—and not vice versa. What gives?
The Grim Realities of Factory Farms
A Feast Fit for the King
Returning the growing fields and kitchen table to God.
The Reformer
How Al Mohler transformed a seminary, helped change a denomination, and challenges a secular culture.
Hipster Faith
To remain relevant, many evangelical pastors are following the lead of hipster trendsetters. So what happens when 'cool' meets Christ?
First Came the Bible
Four themes that characterize Beth Moore's teaching.
Why Women Want Moore
Homespun, savvy, and with a relentless focus on Jesus, Beth Moore has become the most popular Bible teacher in America.
Why Every Christian Is Called to Support Adoption
Abba changes everything.
Life in Those Old Bones
If you're interested in doing mission, there could hardly be a better tool than denominations.

Top Story July 20, 2024

Historic First Baptist Dallas Sanctuary Burns in Four-Alarm Fire
Historic First Baptist Dallas Sanctuary Burns in Four-Alarm Fire
The 134-year-old landmark, now a nearby secondary meeting space for the church, went up in flames in downtown Dallas.

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