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Quel genre d’homme était Jésus ?
Nous avons peu d’informations sur l’apparence et la personnalité de notre Sauveur. Mais c’est ainsi que Dieu l’a voulu.
O complementarismo sobreviverá?
Quero continuar me descrevendo como complementarista. Mas precisamos resgatar o significado do termo.
¿Qué clase de hombre es este?
Tenemos poca información sobre la apariencia y personalidad de Jesús. Pero eso fue designio de Dios.
Por que os homens jovens não estão conseguindo voar com as próprias asas
Para os homens da Geração Z, que se sentem sem propósito e perdidos, o caminho para sair do sofá é o caminho da cruz.
Що скептично налаштовані вчені визнають про явлення Ісуса після воскресіння
Історичні свідоцтва говорять чітко: люди, які стверджували, що бачили Його воскреслим, напевне, щось бачили.
Что скептически настроенные ученые говорят о явлении Иисуса после воскресения
Исторические свидетельства недвусмысленны: люди, утверждавшие, что видели Его воскресшим, наверняка что-то видели.
Why Defend Your Faith If You Live in the World’s Most Christian Continent?
Apologetics in Africa offers resources to both believers and skeptics where the church remains largely unequipped to respond to attacks on their faith.
Why Defend Your Faith if You Live on the World's Most Christian Continent?
Apologetics in Africa offers resources to both believers and skeptics where the church remains largely unequipped to respond to attacks on their faith.
The Book of Job Gives Us Good News for an Unfair World
The book reminds us that life is unjust, but so is the gospel of God’s grace.
Record-Setting Betting Weighs on College Athletes
As players face new pressures from bettors upset with their performance, chaplains in the NCAA are trying to help students remember their imago Dei.
Where Ya From?Episode 69|53min
‘Am I That Hard to Love?’ with Jerome Gay
Ever questioned your worth or value? Hear how pastor Jerome Gay has come to understand his mission of pointing others to the God who truly and freely provides these things.
Music & MeaningEpisode 10|53min
Heart in Motion
Host Charlie Peacock interviews the Grammy Award–winning producers behind Amy Grant’s pioneering, record-breaking hit album.
Complementarista em casa, igualitarista na igreja? Paulo aprovaria.
As maiores passagens do Novo Testamento sobre papéis de gênero podem ter mais a ver com casamento do que com ministério.
After Taiwan’s Powerful Earthquake, Christian Aid Groups Work to Rebuild Lives
On an island where Buddhist disaster relief is prominent, Christians work with churches to care for children and families.
Gereja di Indonesia Memerangi Kerawanan Pangan
Musim kemarau panjang mengancam kehidupan petani di desa Kemadang hingga lumbung padi yang dikelola gereja memberi harapan.
Kuartet Kebangkitan English

Top Story July 30, 2024

In Asian American Churches, Generational Differences Deter Young Leaders
In Asian American Churches, Generational Differences Deter Young Leaders
Survey: Majority Asian churches are half as likely to have leaders under 30.

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