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10 Evangelical Leaders Who Died in 2023
Remembering Tim Keller, Charles Stanley, Elizabeth Sherrill, and others.
CT’s Top Singapore Stories of 2023
On keeping Gen Z in church, letting go of self-optimization, and talking about mental health. Plus: Tell us what we missed.
CT’s Top 10 News Stories of 2023
The year brought news of revival and tragedy, with ongoing coverage of denominational divides and allegations of abuse in ministry.
CT’s Top 13 Stories from the Greater Middle East
Covering earthquakes, war, and signs of hope, here is a chronological survey of Christian news from the region in 2023.
CT’s Top 20 Stories from South Asia
Our most-read stories about the church in India, Nepal, and Pakistan in 2023.
The Global Church in 2023: CT’s Top 20 International Stories
Our most-read stories from around the world, from Brazil to Cambodia to Germany.
Os 20 artigos mais lidos em português da Christianity Today em 2023
As acusações de abuso contra Mike Bickle, fundador do IHOP; O avivamento de Asbury; Os conselhos de Pedro para os cristãos que invadiram o Congresso brasileiro.
Top 10 Chinese Articles Translated into English in 2023
The Chinese originals cover themes in history, current state, and trends of the church in China and overseas, as well as reflections on Chinese culture.
20 найбільш читаних статей Christianity Today українською мовою за 2023 рік
Помер Тім Келлер, якого називали пастором Нью-Йорка; чого вартував одному з російських пасторів його виступ проти путінського вторгнення в Україну; як слов’янські церкви Америки приймають біженців від російсько-української війни.
Los 20 artículos más leídos en 2023 de Christianity Today en español
Falleció Charles Stanley, el predicador de Ministerios En Contacto; Los 50 países donde es más difícil seguir a Jesús en 2023; Avivamiento en Asbury: Estamos siendo testigos de una ‘sorprendente obra de Dios’.
Les 20 articles les plus lus de Christianity Today en français en 2023
Œuvre surprenante de Dieu à Asbury, échos chrétiens de la guerre à Gaza et défis de la lutte contre les abus sexuels dans l’Église.
Dua Puluh Artikel Terpopuler Tahun 2023 di Situs Web Christianity Today Indonesia
Amarah yang Benar dan Pengharapan Injil di tengah Perang Israel-Hamas; 50 Negara Tersulit di Tahun 2023; Mimbar Penuh dengan Pengkhotbah Kosong; Waspadai Menara Babel Kita.
크리스채너티 투데이에서 2023년 가장 많이 읽은 기사 20개 [한국어]
2023년 기독교 박해가 가장 심한 50개국, 무속신앙의 토양에서 자란 한국 기독교의 씨앗, 팀 켈러 목사 부고 기사 등
Biblical Archaeology’s Top 10 Discoveries of 2023
From ancient Israelite DNA to a moat around Jerusalem, these are the discoveries that made scholars of the biblical world say “wow” this year.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 85|36min
Best of Books 2023
Russell and producer Ashley Hales recap a year of reading.

Top Story July 24, 2024

He Told Richard Nixon to Confess
He Told Richard Nixon to Confess
Most ministers were silent about Watergate. Why was one evangelical pastor different?

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