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Simeon and the Child Jesus
What’s so Great about Heaven?
Evolution, Revolution, or Victory
A Day to Remember
A second look at the Ascension.
Contraceptives and the Single Person
What is the physician's responsibility?
A Christian View of Contraception
Guidelines for responsible family planning.
The New Testament and Birth Control
An examination of the scriptural context.
The Relation of the Soul to the Fetus
Tracing the development of a human being.
The Old Testament and Birth Control
Family planning under the Law.
How to Make Adult Training Work
Some pioneering programs.
Preventing Spiritual Dropouts
Why young people leave the church.
Reaching the ‘Lonely Crowd’
Ministry to all kinds of people.
Can the Christian College Survive?
Problems of the Christian college.
Rethinking the Church’s Role
The state of Christian education
Spring Book Forecast February 04, 1966
What is going on in the thought of the Church?
New Testament Studies in 1965
Some significant contributions to biblical learning.

Top Story July 18, 2024

CT Design, Redesign, and Re-redesign, from 1956 to Today
CT Design, Redesign, and Re-redesign, from 1956 to Today
How the look and feel of the magazine have changed with the times.

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