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Family Stories
Alejandro Iñ árritu, director of Babel, says his films are about families—parents and children, of course, but also the global family … and the consequences of trying to live without God.
Blinded by Bush?
David Kuo defends 'Tempting Faith' and responds to allegations of naivete.
For Unto Us a Film Is Born
When New Line told producer Wyck Godfrey to make The Nativity Story in just 10 months, he knew it would take a miracle. Turns out he got a few along the way; the film releases worldwide Dec. 1.
On the Record: Rick Santorum
On Islamofascism, Iraq, pro-life Democrats, and other issues.
High-Impact Leader and Shaker
Harry Jackson says it's time for a new civil rights movement and a new black church.
From Eternity to Here
Randy Alcorn says the afterlife is crucial to how we live this one.
A Real Monster Movie
Deliver Us From Evil documents the case of a notorious pedophile priest, who molested more than two dozen children before going to jail. We talked to the director about the making of the film.
The Links Between Plan B and the Pill
The sanctity of human life has consequences for birth control, says Albert Mohler.
Hero Maker
Randall Wallace, the writer of Braveheart and We Were Soldiers, and his films are in the spotlight this weekend at the City of the Angels Film Festival, with the theme of "Heroism: What Price Glory?"
Evangelism Plus
John Stott reflects on where we've been and where we're going.
From Boy (Band) to King
Luke Goss was once part of a hugely popular boy band, but gave it all up and turned to acting instead. Now, he's playing King Xerxes in One Night with the King, a new film about the biblical story of Esther.
Queen for a Day
In her first leading role, 25-year-old Tiffany Dupont plays the biblical character of Esther in One Night With the King, which she describes as a beautiful love story—and an inspiring film for all types.
Fox Feeds the Flock
With the recent launch of FoxFaith, Twentieth Century Fox declared that it's serious about reaching the Christian market. But will the movies be any good? We asked one of their vice presidents.
Facing the Critics
Alex Kendrick, writer/director of a new Christian film, Facing the Giants, was in the news over an MPAA ratings flap regarding his project. Now he's answering his critics—and talking up his movie.
On Fire at Jesus Camp
A new documentary depicts charismatic kids who are articulate and take faith seriously. But have they been "indoctrinated"? Is it a fair representation of evangelicals? Or too political? We asked the directors.
The Square Pegs of Christian Music
Indie artists Andrew Peterson, Jill Phillips, and Andrew Osenga weren't necessarily a good fit for typical record labels, so they joined some fellow indies and formed their own group: The Square Peg Alliance.
Together in the Jesus Story
Bob Webber's fingerprints are all over a new call to live the narrative that really matters.
Nicholas Kristof on Evangelicals, China, and Human Rights
The Pulitzer Prize winner says, "Evangelicals have influence in the White House that The New York Times columnists do not."
A Rich Retelling
Screenwriter Mike Rich faced a daunting task in bringing Joseph and Mary—and Christ's birth—to cinematic life, but he felt led to do it anyway. The result, The Nativity Story, hits theaters in December.
How Then Shall We Politick?
Michael Gerson, recently resigned Bush speechwriter and adviser, on how evangelicals should comport themselves in the public square.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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