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The Integrity of the Nations
The Primary Task of the Church
Why bringing men and women into a saving relationship to God through Jesus Christ beats any other emphasis.
Why ‘Christianity Today’?
The vision that has animated this magazine from the beginning.
Changing Climate of European Theology
We have been placed by God in an extremely exciting time—an era charged with tension.
Biblical Authority in Evangelism
I had many doubts about the Bible. Now I see Scripture as a flame that melts away unbelief.
The Gospel of Matthew
An eye-witness received special grace and guidance from the Holy Spirit to give a faithful account of information received from other sources.
Evangelism and the Sacred Book
Karl Barth and Billy Graham are both rescuing the Bible from Liberalism. But their views on Scripture differ dramatically.
Vision of Sovereignty a Remedy for Tensions
We are prone to forget that God sees all time and eternity at once.
Reply All
Letters from readers. (Yes, we had readers even before this first official issue.)
The Fragility of Freedom in the West
Individual liberty is not a sufficient yardstick of to measure Freedom versus Slavery.
News Report: Conflict of the Gospel with Paganism, October 15, 1956
News from our correspondents around the world.
The Evangelical Witness in a Modern Medium
Behind this initial issue stands a year of prayer, of decision, of planning. (Plus: CT's first masthead)
Review of Current Religious Thought: October 15, 1956
What British theology journals are saying.
Books in Review
A look inside Ernest White's “Christian Life and the Unconscious,” B. B. Warfield’s “Calvin and Augustine,” and other important volumes.

Top Story July 27, 2024

Kamala Harris Against History
Kamala Harris Against History
The candidate's "unburdened by what has been" and "coconut tree" lines push her party toward a troubling partisan divide over the past itself.

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