
Sliding into Paganism
New, improved ethics programs will never be enough.
Spiritual Lifts
Without the contributions of Pentecostalism, today’s church would be far poorer.
The Fate of the Soil
The farm crisis gets to the core of what we believe truly matters and what we hope for the future.
Superkids and Superpants
What all that “expert” advice may be doing to the next generation.
Return of the Big Stick
Americans put more trust in the military than in the church.
Decadence American Style
Whatever happened to our concern for the common good?
The Wall that Never Was
Separating church and state does not require separating religion and politics.
To Your Health
The church must care for the physical body, because God does.
The Bakker Tragedy
One man’s downfall underscores the danger of mixing television and ministry.
The Real Sex Ed Batte
Playboy and Penthouse are teaching kids the “facts” of life.
How Not to Have a Baby
The morality of surrogacy and a deeper discussion of moralism
The Judgement Mentality
It is not our job to make AIDS victims feel worse.
The Boesky Touch
When business is no longer conducted under public scrutiny, honesty lacks the protection of human contact.
Problems Inerrancy Doesn't Solve
When true believers gather, agreement on social issues remains elusive.
Saying No
Public officials concerned about teen pregnancy try a “new” approach to sex education.
Promises, Promises
A Colossal Cover-Up
Open Season
When heresy hunters move from discovery to conquest, thoughtful believers become an endangered species.
Church on the Move

Top Story July 24, 2024

He Told Richard Nixon to Confess
He Told Richard Nixon to Confess
Most ministers were silent about Watergate. Why was one evangelical pastor different?

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