Movies & TV

Stephen King's Redemption
The King of Kings
Whistle Down the Wind
Why This Is a Bad Idea
It encourages a "see no evil" approach, when we should be teaching our kids how to deal with evil—or keep them from such films altogether.
The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
The Christian virtues of humility and sacrifice filter through a tarnished triumph.
Exegeting The Matrix
"A lot of spiritual stuff went into The Matrix films, but not as much as some authors think"
"Film Forum: In America, The Missing Explore Parent-Child Bonds"
"Religious press critics review In America, The Missing, Timeline, The Haunted Mansion, Bad Santa, The Cooler, more Cat in the Hat criticism, news about a movie studio marketing to churches, Billy Graham's views on The Passion of the Christ, and a Columbin"
"Film Forum: Christian Critics Hail Third Rings, Harass Last Samurai"
"Christian press critics sneak a peek at The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, charge against The Last Samurai, and dance to the beat of Honey. Plus, more reviews of 21 Grams, Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, and Mel Gibson's The P"
The Lure of the Obvious in Peter Jackson's The Return of the King
"The film adaptations of a 1,200 page novel required making significant changes to the story. But at what cost?"
Where to Go for all Things Tolkien
"The best sites on the Internet about the man, his faith, his books, the Inklings and the movies"
Peter Jackson Crowns the King of All Adventure Series
"Christian film critics celebrate The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, and some sit down to talk with its stars. Reviews are also in for Big Fish, Something's Gotta Give, and Stuck on You. Plus, Medved raves about In America"
Return of the Raves
"Film critics continue to pile praise on The Return of the King, while readers have some gripes. Critics also examine Mona Lisa Smile, House of Sand and Fog, Girl with a Pearl Earring, The Statement. Plus: More reviews of In America, The Last Samurai, Big"
Christian Critics Recommend Year's Most Overlooked Films
"Christian critics highlight this year's unseen treasures. Plus, reviews of Peter Pan, Cold Mountain, Paycheck, Cheaper by the Dozen, and more reviews of The Return of the King."
Talking About Revolutions
"What religious critics are saying about The Matrix Revolutions, The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, Elf, Brother Bear, The Human Stain, In the Cut, Shattered Glass, Mystic River, Radio, Veronica Guerin, and the upcoming Return of the King, and DaVinci Code"
Can Elf's Jesusless Christmas Still Be Good?
"reviews of Love Actually, The Singing Detective, Anything but Love, The Matrix Revolutions, and Mystic River"
Todd Komarnicki: Producer, Director, Writer—and Believer
The producer of Elf explains how his Christian faith affects his career as a Hollywood producer, director, and writer
"Film Forum: Commanders, Cartoons, and Columbine"
"The extended edition of The Two Towers arrives, while Christian film critics set sail with Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, Looney Tunes: Back in Action, Elephant, Tupac: Resurrection, The Barbarian Invasions, previous releases Shattered G"
Look What The Cat in the Hat Dragged In
"Critics rate Dr. Seuss's The Cat in the Hat, 21 Grams, Gothika, upcoming films, and Master and Commander. Dick Staub writes about the 'art' of Christian filmmaking. Plus: More Passion controversy and reader/critic responses to The Lord of the Rings: The T"
"Film Forum: Critics Rocked by Jack Black, Gored by Tarantino"
Religious press critics attend The School of Rock, Kill Bill—Vol. 1, Out of Time, The Station Agent, and Wonderland. More reviews arrive for Luther, Secondhand Lions, and Matchstick Men. Plus: More Passion debate, farewells for Elia Kazan, a report from t

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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