
Where to Go for all Things Tolkien
"The best sites on the Internet about the man, his faith, his books, the Inklings and the movies"
Ground Rules
The Creed defines the game of faith without exhausting its excitement
Healing Salve
United by Faith looks for answers to the problem of race
'We Live What We Believe'
Luke Timothy Johnson talks about the importance of the creed—even for non-creedal Christians
Battle Cry
"John Eldredge calls men, and now women, to a mythical, mystical adventure of faith"
Islam and the West
Islam in Context shows a religion at a crossroads
Faith and Fantasy
The Gospel According to Tolkien reveals a deeply Christian work
Stalking Love
Home Is Always the Place You Just Left reminds readers that only Jesus satisfies the deepest longing
The Countercultural Creed
What are Christians really doing when they stand up and say I believe?
The Church's Hidden Jewishness
Hebrew thinking in a Greek world
'Normalizing' Jewish Believers
How should Christianity's Jewish heritage change how Gentiles relate to their faith?
The Good Effects of the Good News
A convert from Islam answers critics hostile to the Christian mission
The Defender of the Good News: Questioning Lamin Sanneh
"The Yale historian and missiologist talks about his conversion, Muslim-Christian relations, Anglican troubles, and the future of Christianity"
"Walking the Old, Old Talk"
The cultural success of evangelicalism is its greatest weakness
Sterling Disagreement
Christopher Hall and John Sanders continue their debate over open theism
Investing as Love
Gary Moore's biblical approach to financial management
Apocalypse Without the Beasts
A high school teacher finds the sacred in all the wrong places
Beyond Wallowing
Loving the God we don't understand
Thinking to Change Lives
Robert Louis Wilken explores early Christian thought
You Are What You Were
Past events are still shaping our behavior today

Top Story July 17, 2024

A Renewed Invitation to Seek the Kingdom
A Renewed Invitation to Seek the Kingdom
In these fractured times, we want to focus on Jesus’ call to chase after his will.

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