
Global is the New Local
Princeton's Robert Wuthnow says American congregations are more international than ever.
Science and the Mystic
What are we to make of the variety of spiritual experiences?
My Top 5 Spiritual Memoirs
Man of His Time for All Times
W. Robert Godfrey paints popular portrait of Calvin as pilgrim and pastor.
What to Do with the Stranger?
Two evangelicals argue for more generous immigration policies.
My Top Five Books on Marriage
Are Christians Overemphasizing Cultural Renewal?
A possible sign of a coming backlash.
From the Printing Press to the iPhone
Shane Hipps urges Christians to discern the technology spirits.
Storming Young-Earth Creationism
But is Genesis 1 the only text at issue?
Christian Book Expo Nixed for 2010
ECPA president and CEO Mark Kuyper: “We want to clean up the debt before we consider future options."
Books Uncommon and Offbeat
Short reviews of Believing Again, Giants, and A Community called Taizé.
The Giant Story
Rob Bell on why he talks about the Good News the way he does.
Serving a Two-Handed God
How we love our neighbor depends on what we think divine power looks like.
'We're Not Actually Advancing Religious Freedom'
Thomas Farr says it's time for policies that actually improve liberty around the world.
Easter, Unedited
N. T. Wright says the Gospels' Resurrection accounts are odd because they are fresh.
The Beauty of Fasting
It's a tangible, bodily thing.
The Oregon Trail
A chapter from Through Painted Deserts.
In the Steps of Luther
Finding refuge from the storm.
Walking in Faith
Walking as spiritual practice.
Does the God of Christianity Exist, and What Difference Does It Make?
Stan Guthrie moderates a Christian Book Expo panel with Lee Strobel, William Lane Craig, Douglas Wilson, Christopher Hitchens, and Jim Denison.

Top Story July 20, 2024

Historic First Baptist Dallas Sanctuary Burns in Four-Alarm Fire
Historic First Baptist Dallas Sanctuary Burns in Four-Alarm Fire
The 134-year-old landmark, now a nearby secondary meeting space for the church, went up in flames in downtown Dallas.

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