
My Top 5 Books on Advent
'The Meaning Is in the Waiting'
The Spirit of Advent
Quick Media Takes
Books, films, music of note in November.
Zondervan Issues Apology for Publishing 'Deadly Viper'
President and CEO Moe Gerkins says the book's contents, which used Chinese characters and illustrations, 'are offensive to many people despite its otherwise solid message.'
Wilson's Bookmarks
From the editor of Books & Culture.
My Top 5 Books on Life Ethics
Crusading for Women
Christians can lead the charge to elevate the dignity of women. A review of Half the Sky.
Q+A: Carrie Prejean
The former Miss California contestant says that she is 'still standing,' and called a recent video of her 'the worst mistake of my life.'
Rick and Kay Warren's Painful, Gradual Love Story
A word from God. Then another. Then misery. How the Warrens finally fell in love.
Mystic with a Spreadsheet
Journalist Jeffery Sheler provides a probing biography of the two Rick Warrens.
The Mushroom Hunt
How to find a good biography.
Let us Tell You a Story
Recovering the lost spiritual discipline of reading biographies.
American Idols
Tim Keller explains why money, sex, and power so easily capture our affections.
How to Find Your Rival Gods
Idolatry is not just a failure to obey God, it is a setting of the whole heart on something besides God.
The Clothed Public Square
Hunter Baker argues that Christians should not abandon God talk.
New Testament Chair of ESV Committee Will Join NIV Team
"My biggest concern was the gender language," says Bill Mounce.
'Scouting the Divine'
My Search for God in Wine, Wool, and Wild Honey
Watching Her Tone
Margaret Feinberg wants Christians to be more gentle.
Wilson's Bookmarks
Short reviews from the editor of Books & Culture.
Lost in Transition
With his latest research on emerging adults, sociologist Christian Smith helps the church reach out to a rootless generation.

Top Story July 21, 2024

Historic First Baptist Dallas Sanctuary Burns in Four-Alarm Fire
Historic First Baptist Dallas Sanctuary Burns in Four-Alarm Fire
The 134-year-old landmark, now a nearby secondary meeting space for the church, went up in flames in downtown Dallas.

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