
Q&A: John Piper on 'Think'
Also, why the high-profile pastor and author invited Rick Warren to Desiring God's national conference and how he has been spending his 8-month leave of absence.
Good News Glut
Common English Bible joins the crowd.
Wilson's Bookmarks
Brief reviews of 'Joshua,' 'Making Toast,' and 'The Mind's Eye'
Stop Browbeating
The stats on evangelicalism are much better than you've been led to believe.
Tragic Humanism
Terry Eagleton argues that evil is not as mysterious or as explainable as we think.
The Updated Bible: Moses v. Steve Jobs
How the publishing industry is keeping up with the 21st century as technology changes how we study the Bible.
A Gifting Child
Emily Colson says 'no one remains neutral' about her autistic son.
The Apostle of the Golden Age
Classics scholar Sarah Ruden says extraordinary things happen when you read Paul alongside other ancient literature.
Books to Note
Short reviews of recent books worth considering.
Mary Beth Chapman vs. God
In a new book, Steven Curtis Chapman's wife is brutally honest about her lifelong feud with the Creator, especially after losing their daughter to an accident in 2008.
My Top 5 Books on The Problem of Evil
Picks from John Stackhouse, author of 'Can God Be Trusted?'
Marilynne Robinson Takes on Bad Science Writers
The novelist wades into the religion-and-science debate with 'Absence of Mind.'
'The Gospel Makes the Everyday Possible'
70-year old Duke theologian Stanley Hauerwas explains his new memoir, addresses his critics, and explains why he says, 'We're all congregationalists now.'
Under the Influence
California's intoxicating spiritual and cultural impact on America.
Ayn Rand: Goddess of the Great Recession
Why Christians should be wary of the late pop philosopher and her disciples.
Mere Churchianity
Finding your way back to Jesus-shaped spirituality.
Wilson's Bookmarks
Reviews of 'The Natural Desire to See God,' 'Calvin's Ladder,' and 'Layover in Dubairom' from the editor of Books & Culture.
The Duct Tape Solution
In “Be Very Afraid,"' sociologist Robert Wuthnow explains how Americans typically respond to fear.
Q & A: Anne Rice on Following Christ Without Christianity
The tipping points behind the novelist's departure from the institutional church, and why she still reads D.A. Carson, Craig Keener, and N.T. Wright instead of 'Twilight.'
A Grace-filled Engagement
The main problem with most marriages, says Paul Tripp, is lack of submission—to God. A Review of 'What Did You Expect? Redeeming the Realities of Marriage.'

Top Story July 21, 2024

Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
After 60 years of division, leaders hope that coming together will strengthen the church's witness.

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