
Build True Community through Service

Let’s live as if we belong to each other
Build True Community through Service
Image: Thinkstock

What would it look like to build community with servanthood as the foundation, to shift from an independent mindset to interdependence?

Our culture values community with words, but individualism with actions. When the rubber hits the road, it’s often not about “we”; it’s about “me first.” If “we” becomes the end result it’s ...

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How to Really Serve a Community

It begins with listening
How to Really Serve a Community

Have you ever experienced someone trying to help you in a way that wasn’t all that helpful? As a new mom, this is something I experience often. Someone gives advice that’s more discouraging than helpful. Another person offers to pick me up for lunch—not realizing that having to transfer all the baby gear to her car really is more work than help. I know that ...

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Include Your Children in Life-Changing Decisions

God is working in their lives too
Include Your Children in Life-Changing Decisions
Image: Thinkstock

Standing on the driveway with my teenage daughter, we watch silently as her childhood bed and miniature table and chairs, packed in the back of a truck, pull away and drive down the street, around the corner, and onto the highway. Words aren’t necessary. We’ve resigned ourselves to the new reality.

All our possessions and keepsakes are now negotiable. We’re ...

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When Loving Your Sheep Hurts

How I found healing after betrayal in ministry
When Loving Your Sheep Hurts
Image: Thinkstock

Tears rolled down my face as I confessed my agony to a friend: “I love God and I love the church, but I don’t want anything to do with God’s people right now.”

It was a shocking confession that came after a deep betrayal in ministry. Someone I loved had turned on me with terrible accusations and lies, attempting to humiliate and discredit me. I ...

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Saying Goodbye to Volunteer Leaders

How to do it well—in youth ministry and elsewhere
Saying Goodbye to Volunteer Leaders
Image: Thinkstock

Leaders naturally cycle in and out of ministry. When it’s a positive parting of ways, create an environment where the leader is honored for their service and students, parents, and other leaders have a chance to voice their thanks. Make this a consistent ritual for all positive departures. It’s a great way to respect someone’s legacy, to help students ...

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When Artists and Engineers Collide

Building a team of very different minds

The outreach team at our church had a daunting task. We were responsible for attracting the unchurched, making newcomers feel welcome, and helping reach out to our community in practical ways. All of us were enthusiastic about doing just that, but not all of us agreed on the best methods to accomplish such a herculean task.

Robert* was a man who loved charts. He immediately ...

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Find a Spiritual Mentor

You don’t need another program; you need a person

I recently watched a movie called Chasing Mavericks. It was about a young man who wanted to surf one of the biggest waves in the world. He approached an experienced surfer in his town to coach him. The coach told him he would need to secure four pillars in his life. The first was physical. He would need to develop the strength to paddle a surf board across the California bay. ...

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Sometimes Ministry Happens at Home

My daughter’s declaration of independence changed all my plans

I wasn't ready for it. After all, she's only just turned 8. And what 8-year-old do you know who's called an after-dinner meeting to tell you gently but categorically that "it's just not working anymore"? That she "can't stand another day of living in your house"? That she's leaving.

I had to choke back my urge to giggle, but I realized from the look in her face she was deadly ...

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People’s Voices Matter

An interview with Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber

She was called into ministry in a comedy club. When Nadia Bolz-Weber, working as a comic, lost a friend to suicide, her community demanded, "Well, you'll do the funeral, right?" They'd identified her as "the religious one." Nadia describes the experience of delivering his eulogy: "I looked out at this room of hundreds of people—comics, academics, queers—I realized that I felt ...

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When Family Pressures Threaten Your Ministry

It took a crisis in our home to make me stop and wake me up to reality

"Does your family demonstrate a spirit of peace?" I heard the preacher say. "No!" I yelled inside myself. Little did anyone know, our family was in a state of crisis. Our oldest son's behavior was getting worse every day; he was finally diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder, ADHD, and depression; and our three-year-old was picking up on our older son's negative behavior ...

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