Church Life

A Challenge to Children’s Ministry, Part 2

What really matters in reaching kids

In my last post, I wrote about a few hang-ups I have with children's ministries. As a parent, I honestly care less about the trappings of any ministry and much more about how it helps my kids see Jesus. There are a few key things I like to see in a kids' ministry, but I hope my thoughts will spur other ideas also.

Let There Be Extras!

Kids don't need expensive decorations, loud ...

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A Challenge to Children’s Ministry, Part 1

Why my kids may not visit your church

On a recent visit to a new church, my oldest son brought home one of those sheets with Bible verses and talking points. I looked it over as we drove and read aloud the big, bold print.

"You can be trusted when you choose the right words."

"What does that even mean?" my husband asked, risking a puzzled look away from the road.

I laughed, and we more or less dismissed the whole ...

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The Second Chair

The joys and challenges of being executive pastor: an interview with Karen Miller

Because Gifted for Leadership serves women in all kinds of church leadership roles, we have a great opportunity to learn from each other. I thought it would be helpful to occasionally highlight a leadership role and learn more about what it involves—plus receive some leadership lessons from a gifted woman.

Enjoy this interview with Executive Pastor Karen Miller.

What does your ...

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Please Lead. I Need You.

Mentoring makes a difference, even from afar

Not long ago, I messed up something for a client. She emailed me about it and I emailed back an apology.

And then I waited.

I watched the clock tick. No response.

I burned with stomach acid and shame.

It was an idiot mistake. Anyone with a little professional savvy would've known better. Sorry or no sorry, she was going to fire me. I knew it.

I went to bed that night chanting, ...

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Making the Most of Your Role

Finding your place in male-led ministry
Making the Most of Your Role
Image: iStock

Several years ago, I served as the treasurer of a small church. In this congregation, the treasurer was required to sit on the church's governing board, which didn't allow women. My husband, however, was on the board, so as a workaround for providing monthly treasurer's reports, I would prepare all the financial information, and he would present it. I would explain ...

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Bossy Older Sisters in the Church

Cultivating and wielding female strength

Not long ago, when I was pregnant with my now-infant son, I must admit that it came as quite a shock to me when I found out I was having a boy. I was sure that I was having a girl. There wasn't a doubt in my mind. And because I was so certain of my child's gender, I had already begun to think about how to raise a faithful Christian woman.

As I thought about my future with ...

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“I Love Me a Preacha in Dangly Earrings”

A true story for women in ministry

Ever walked past a mirror to catch an unexpected glimpse of yourself? "Yikes, I hoped skinny jeans might make me look skinny."

I serve in a church that projects our service onto what we call "The Jumbotron." It's not exactly the scoreboard at the Superdome, but it's a jumbo enough tron to elicit a similar arresting gasp when I see myself on it.

When I'm up front leading worship, ...

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You Can’t Be Burned out Already!

Keeping volunteers happy

I have been an unhappy volunteer. I have felt unappreciated and underutilized. I have also felt humiliated and used. Because of some of my earlier ministry experiences on the receiving end as a volunteer, when I began leading women's ministry at my sweet church, I vowed to be a different kind of leader.

Ephesians 4:11-12 is pretty clear. Christ gifted us to be leaders for the ...

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Three Ways to Kill a Small Group

Avoid these sure-thing saboteurs

You've worked hard to prepare for your first small group: the invitations have been sent, the curriculum selected, the brownies baked. Everything you need for an amazing small-group experience! Except…it's not that easy. It takes much more than good marketing to make a small group actually thrive. And if you aren't careful, you can kill yours in three easy steps:

Step #1: Misread ...

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What Happens When You Don’t Serve Fluff on a Platter

Lessons learned from the first year of a women’s mentoring ministry

Our leadership team has learned a few lessons after one year of prayer, preparation, and leadership training; a successful launch of a women's mentoring ministry at our church; and one year of mentoring through small groups. I'd like to share these lessons with you:

1. Trust God. Establishing and sustaining any ministry is a consistent exercise in faith and reliability on the ...

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