Church Life

Disarming for Jesus

I have a confession to make. I like pop music.

And not just the Miley Cyrus, High School Musical flavor. I like the beat thumping, chorus humming, and—dare I say it—booty-shaking kind. There it is. I am a woman in my early 30s, with three children and a minivan. I run a Christian counseling practice and a women's ministry. People look to me for soul direction ...

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Get Ready!

At a multi-generation women's conference in Alaska where I was about to speak, an older woman leaned over and whispered in the ear of the young girl sitting next to her, "Get ready!"

The young girl's eyes widened. "Why? Where are we going?"

The reply? "To the edge of your chair!"

No one ever whispered those words in my ear, but ...

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What Not to Wear--Part 2

I closed the book after the fourth chapter. I hugged my knees to my chest, rested my chin on my knees, and let out a long, heavy sigh. I sat, conflicted, on the oversized chair in our living room while my husband was upstairs asleep, my emotions fluctuating, oddly, between compassion and rage. If the battle really was ‘every man's,' then my husband was no ...

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Fame's Folly

According to many in the media, last weekend is being dubbed the "weekend of outbursts." An athlete, a lawmaker, and a musician—three distinct persons in the public eye—lost their cool. Each one of them felt injustice inflicted on themselves or another. And they made their feelings known … to everyone.

Being in the public eye might have some ...

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The Motivation Behind Your Ministry

"I don't want to gain the whole world and lose my soul," sang Toby Mac, Kirk Franklin and Mandisa from my boom box as I spent a week in the basement de-cluttering. His rap's lyrics are a call to Christ followers to stay faithfully focused in our culture's temptation to slowly defect. But goofy me, I had misheard the lyrics as, "I don't want ...

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No Doubt?

When do we stop being spiritual seekers? Certainly, through a faith commitment to Jesus, we move from the theological category "lost" to the category "found." But does the seeking ever truly end? Should it?

I've often heard it said that Job was a hero because, though he suffered greatly, he never questioned God. Oh really? I wonder if people who ...

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Spiritual Casualties of Gender Wars

Earlier this summer, in her excellent post "Weary of the Gender Wars," Nancy Parkhurst Leafblad presents a compelling portrait of how she was unwillingly conscripted into a war not of her making when she followed God's call into ministry. This article carries on from her ideas.

Nancy Parkhurst Leafblad describes how she found herself in a war she never wanted, ...

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Over-Trained and Overwhelmed Leaders

Since I'd heard some buzz about the book, I was happy to accept the invitation for GFL to part of its "blog tour" along with our sister site, After reading the following passage from chapter 17 of Sticky Church, I became even more excited about sharing this with you all.

In it, author Larry Osborne describes "a common trap," and certainly ...

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What Not to Wear

You are about to read a post about women and clothing. It probably cannot get more stereotypical, but before you cringe and click out of this window, I beg you to come along. This is about the community of God—not the power of the pedicure.

I once exchanged ideas with two male seminary classmates. Graduation was near, and as we chatted about the students moving ...

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Displaying God's Splendor

I am a Texan through and through. It has for years been my dream to move back to Texas, but I'm pretty sure that will never happen.

So I decided to bring Texas to Florida—to my family room. I have acquired several genuine Texas items, including an old tin Texas flag, bluebonnet coasters, a wild horse sculpture, a lone star paperweight and many others.

But ...

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