Food for Thought - Apr 27 2009

Who are you trying to please? For many in Christian leadership, the things we want to do, must do, or feel called to do get crowded out by the things we feel we should do. There are always more should-do's being shouted in our direction. The process of adding should-do's ...

The Final Church Barrier for Women: Church Planter

I just came back from the Exponential Conference, the nation's largest conference for church planters. I loved it. Nearly 2,700 church planters, apostles, cultural missionaries, entrepreneurs, and crazy people - the kind who take "It's never been done that way ...

Gifted To Lead

Tonight I'm at a hotel in Toronto, sandwiched between two "Gifted to Lead" events. Yesterday, Nancy Ortberg and I co-led the event in Livermore, California, with about 340 women. We were graciously hosted by the Cornerstone Fellowship Church. Every time we open ...

Why I Bought the Green Bible

Happy Earth Day! I'd like to take advantage of this special time when our thoughts are focused on the planet to talk about the Green Bible, last year's release from HarperOne. In case you missed the hullabaloo, this book is a NRSV Bible that includes a 100% natural ...

Food for Thought - Apr 20 2009

When Christ wanted to teach his disciples how to treat each other, he realized that experiencing something is more life changing than words alone. So Jesus got up from the meal, took off his outer garments, and began washing their dusty feet - a service usually relegated ...

The Silent Retreat
Unplugging for this ancient practice
The Silent Retreat
Image: Dong Wenjie/Getty

I have a hard time "unplugging." My morning starts with a sleepy-eyed click on email, and most nights I turn in only after checking Facebook. Yet recently it seems God is calling me to spend time plugged in to him - only him.

Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, ...

Creative Team Building

The NTSB official adamantly explained how the crew and passengers survived a near catastrophe in the incredible forced water landing of US Airways flight 1549 on the Hudson River in New York City back in January. The crew worked as a team, not as individuals - and that saved ...

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