Renee James
Get to know Renee James, one of our Gifted for Leadership regular contributors.

In her regular job, Renee is the communications director for Canadian Baptist Women of Ontario and Quebec and the editor of its award-winning magazine LIVE. She's also a regular contributor to Today's Christian Woman.

Prior to that, she scaled mountains at a Convention Baptist ...

Mindy Caliguire
Get to know Mindy Caliguire, one of our Gifted for Leadership editorial advisors.

Mindy Caliguire first encountered the power of a community of faith in her sophomore year at Cornell University when she attended a Bible Study in a frat house. She developed a new appreciation for the Christian faith, and wound up marrying the leader of that Bible study, Jeff ...

Angie Mabry-Nauta
Get to know Angie Mabry-Nauta, one of our Gifted for Leadership editorial advisors.

Rev. Angie Mabry-Nauta is a theologian, writer and ordained Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Reformed Church in America. She served two congregations in six years of pastoral ministry ā€“ one as solo pastor, and the other as interim Pastor of Preaching and Worship. Angie ...

Praying for Our Prodigals

Satan plays dirty. Really dirty.

He is so clever at finding our weak spots, to trip us up as we walk the paths God has for us. He whispers not-so-sweet nothings in our ears. He beguiles us with our best temptations. He spray paints the nearby grass a beautiful shade of ...

Walking With Grace When You Have No Grace

We've all encountered those moments in ministry and life when we feel spent, empty, with nothing else to give. Maybe lived on exhaust one gasp too long. Maybe burning the candle on both ends and in the middle wasn't such a great idea. Maybe a series of sleepless nights ...

What's Your Story?

Lately I've been walking a 5-km route through a residential area where I pass lots of houses. I take a good look at the gardens, see who is on the porch, and what I can see through the window. It occurred to me the other day that each family in each house has a story ...

Sometimes We Do Get It Right

At Gifted for Leadership, we spend a lot of time griping about women's ministry. And I don't necessarily mean "griping" in a negative way - most of the discussions we have are constructive. We've simply been burned by the traditional systems and are ...

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