Over-Trained and Overwhelmed Leaders

Since I'd heard some buzz about the book, I was happy to accept the invitation for GFL to part of its "blog tour" along with our sister site, SmallGroups.com. After reading the following passage from chapter 17 of Sticky Church, I became even more excited about ...

What Not to Wear

You are about to read a post about women and clothing. It probably cannot get more stereotypical, but before you cringe and click out of this window, I beg you to come along. This is about the community of God—not the power of the pedicure.

I once exchanged ideas ...

Displaying God's Splendor

I am a Texan through and through. It has for years been my dream to move back to Texas, but I'm pretty sure that will never happen.

So I decided to bring Texas to Florida—to my family room. I have acquired several genuine Texas items, including an old tin Texas ...

The Art of Rebinding

I recently had my Bible rebound. I've had it for more than a decade, and it's literally travelled tens of thousands of miles with me—physically and spiritually. Its pages provided comfort during the long dark winters in Alaska, hope during times of transition ...

When We Can't Agree to Disagree

The idea that men and women are created differently, in ways that complement each other, sounds okay. But often, this "equal but different" thinking results in a hierarchy that can lead to distortions of truth, or even emotional and physical abuse.

For years, ...

Ministry in the Moment

Lately I've been struck at how full my life has become. Between family, friends, church, home and job as a hospital chaplain (complete with a pager that seems to go off when it's least convenient), my calendar doesn't have much white space. I am, in a word, busy. ...

Evening the Playing Field?

Over the past couple of weeks, I've had about three instances where someone has brought up Eve and her knack for being "easily deceived." In two of the cases, it was brought up in a way that made the people conclude that women shouldn't lead - because of ...

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