Jumping with God into Childrenā€™s Ministries
Ministering to children as the fully spiritually aware, intuitive thinkers they are.
Jumping with God into Childrenā€™s Ministries
Image: Ariel Skelley/Getty

Much can happen when we learn to equip and empower the children among us. For one woman in ministry, it’s not so much about children learning from grown-ups, but it’s about grown-ups learning from children. Samantha Trimble, Director of Children’s Ministry ...

Broken Minister
When you experience hurt from those who serve beside you
Broken Minister
Image: Hrvoje Zalukar / EyeEm/ Getty

When I was twenty-three, I left the United States for a scary, exciting job as an international campus minister. I was all nerves with my year of seminary, husband of a year, and life packed into five large suitcases. It was an adventure into the unknown, following God’s ...

The False Dichotomy
When women (and artists and feelers) underestimate their leadership abilities
The False Dichotomy
Image: John M Lund Photography Inc/Getty

Yesterday, I think something snapped in me. I had heard a particular comment exactly the number of times my heart could take it, and I decided I’m done hearing it. For all our sakes.

I was listening to an intelligent, educated young woman—a leader in her congregation ...

Leadership Lifelines: Prayer, Fasting, and Flexibility
How discipline and commitment prove essential in your leadership ministry.
Leadership Lifelines: Prayer, Fasting, and Flexibility
Image: AaronAmat/Getty

Andy Stanley said, “Leadership is stewardship, and you are accountable,” while speaking to a group of leaders at Catalyst Atlanta in 2006. This quote absolutely resonated with me, because we can forget that as leaders we are responsible for our own leadership. Not ...

Knowing Your Emotional Triggers
Becoming your most emotionally healthy self through personality study.
Knowing Your Emotional Triggers
Image: Maskot/Getty

I remember the scene like it was yesterday. The night before our annual fundraising banquet and auction, the phone rang. The emcee we had worked with for months had come down with the flu. He would not be able to attend the event the next night, let alone rally the crowd to ...

Humor in the Pulpit
Connecting, confronting, and calling people to Spirit-empowered transformation.
Humor in the Pulpit
Image: DoxaDigital/Getty

Preaching is a radical event. In a world moving at a breakneck pace—where most things involve a screen of some sort, and attention spans max out at 280 characters—preachers stand before a group of people who willingly choose to sit and listen for an extended period ...

When the Path to Ministry Is an Obstacle Course
What if the things that seem to get in the way of ministry actually qualify us for it?
When the Path to Ministry Is an Obstacle Course

As a college student I found myself in crisis. On the one hand, I felt an intense call to ministry—concern for the needs of the world and an indescribable pull to do something about it. At the same time I found myself in a context in which (out of an admirable desire to ...

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