How I Won the West
Hint: It wasn't by blazing a new trail.

A couple of summers ago while my husband and I were in Las Vegas, we decided to enjoy a bit of the great outdoors. This is not uncommon for us. We love the thrill of exploring new places!

On this trip we opted to tackle Turtlehead Peak at Red Rock Canyon. Turtlehead Peak ...

My New Mantra
So What If It Fails?
My New Mantra
Image: F.J. JimƩnez/Getty

When is the last time you acted on a dream that could fail?

Six months ago, I made the switch from professional volunteer to paid church employee. Along with my bank account, something else changed too: my appetite for change. With the weight of now being paid for my position, ...

Getting on God's Agenda
What spiritual leadership looks like.

I began my career working for a large secular corporation. In those days I had very little positional influence. I was at the bottom of the ladder trying to climb my way to the top just like every other poor soul my age. But what I quickly discovered was that I was earning ...

Help Moms Embrace God's Mission
When is it the right time to ask moms to expand their sphere of ministry beyond their family into new areas of leadership?
Help Moms Embrace God's Mission
Image: iStock

Kathy, a friend of mine who serves as an elder at her church, recently shared an issue with me that she and her fellow leaders constantly wrestle with. "We always need more volunteers in our church, but it's so hard to ask moms to get more involved in ministry," ...

Heading Home After Holy Moments

This Sunday, just before we left for church, my daughter stopped me as I passed through the living room.

"Look," she said. "The shepherds are headed home."

I followed her waved out, game-show-hostess arm and saw what she was talking about: the nativity. ...

Questions and Answers on Christmas

Have you ever thought about exactly what the angels said when they proclaimed Jesus' birth? Of all the words that could have been said or sung, they chose to proclaim this good news:

"…a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord" (Luke 2:11). ...

The Delicate Balance Between Head and Heart, Part II
The Delicate Balance Between Head and Heart, Part II
Image: Pogonici/Getty

Last week in Part I of this post, I asked, "In light of the often high-running emotions of a women's small group, how do we hold them in check? How can a leader strike a balance between saturating women with the truth of God's Word, but also providing them with ...

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