Donā€™t Pretend
We are all screwed up

There are a lot of things about God and Christianity that are a worthwhile debate, but the fact that we all sin is typically not one of them. I have never met a person so brave as to say he was perfect, but I have met a lot of people who think they are good people.

What do they ...

Nice Girls Don't Ask
Three thought patterns that keep us from speaking up
Nice Girls Don't Ask
Image: iStock

Feeling underappreciated and overlooked, I decided to talk with my team leader. I'm embarrassed to tell you I allowed my frustration to fester for several weeks before I said a word. I didn't want to be "that" girl—whiny, needy, and demanding.

As I nervously ...

Rise Up, Part 2
What leaders need from young women

As I mentioned in my previous post on Gifted for Leadership there's a movement rising up within this generation of young adults. Among these young people are committed Christians who are determined to remain faithful to Jesus and make a positive difference among their peers. ...

Rise Up, Part 1
What young women need from their leaders

When you look at statistics about young adults, their faith, and the church, well, they don't look pretty. More and more 20- and 30somethings are walking away from the faith of their childhood simply because they've yet to make it their own.

But there is a remnantā€“ā€“similar to ...

Managing Conflict in a Church Setting
Itā€™s an inevitable opportunity for growth

Some of Jesus' best known words promise, "Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world." (John 16:33). Most of us prefer to focus on the second part of the verse, but the first part is also a promise: in this life, we ...

Donald Miller Told Me to Get a Good Life
And I didnā€™t like it—but I think he was right

I'm a "Christian 20Something."

This means: I'm on my smart phone all the time, I talk to my friends more on Facebook than I do face to face, I tweet, I Instagram, and I complain.

I am an expert complainer: I complain to my friends that all the guys my age aren't grownups. I ...

Thoughts on C. S. Lewis and Sabotage
Life in Godā€™s kingdom isnā€™t always glamorous.

This is one of my favorite C. S. Lewis quotations, from Mere Christianity:

"Christianity is the story of how the rightful king has landed, you might say landed in disguise, and is calling us all to take part in a great campaign of sabotage."

Maybe it's my non-conformist streak ...

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