We Need a Cascade Effect in the Church
What might happen if more women were leading in the church?
We Need a Cascade Effect in the Church
Image: iStock

A pack of wolves makes their way to the winding mountain stream for a cool drink of water. They are healthy and strong—their coats wave back and forth in the crisp mountain breeze. As the sun pierces through the trees and illuminates the wolves, a glowing effect is created ...

Break Your Day into Thirds
A creative way to avoid burnout in ministry
Break Your Day into Thirds
Image: iStock

I was only a couple of years into ministry and already on the verge of burn out. As the director of a youth outreach organization, my job often involved early morning breakfast meetings with donors, followed by administrative duties throughout the morning and early afternoon. ...

8 Guidelines for Ministering to Men
A nuanced alternative to the Billy Graham Rule that views men—and ourselves—first as being in the image of God.
8 Guidelines for Ministering to Men
Image: iStock

My cell phone gets me. If I type the letter “B,” it knows I probably want to text my husband. If I enter the word “World,” it suggests “Relief,” knowing I’m probably headed in that direction. My phone knows how to read the room and respond ...

Find Your Place in God's Story
Like Esther, you may be exactly where you are for a specific purpose.
Find Your Place in God's Story
Image: iStock

A large group of college students gathered around a wise old woman as she spoke wisdom into their lives. Now in her eighties, she had a wealth of knowledge and experience from a life well lived. They leaned in close, for they wanted to glean from any specific lessons she had ...

My Winding Road to the Pastorate
It was an inconvenient time to begin feeling called to co-pastor with my husband.
My Winding Road to the Pastorate
Image: iStock

There I sat. The good, supportive wife, watching my husband become the senior pastor of a rural church in Missouri. As various church members stepped forward to hand him symbolic items—a bowl and towel for servanthood, a Bible for the ministry of the Word, a chalice for ...

10 Ways to Help Single Women Flourish in Ministry
Whether single or married, we can all advocate for single women in ministry.
10 Ways to Help Single Women Flourish in Ministry

I am fortunate to know many amazing single women in ministry. They serve in student ministry, women’s ministry, missions, small groups, teaching roles, and church planting. I’m encouraged and challenged by their obedience to God’s call on their lives, and I ...

You Are Enough
Singleness doesn't make you any less of a leader.
You Are Enough
Image: iStock

This article has been excerpted from our new resource, Navigating Singleness in Ministry.

If you are a single woman in ministry, you have probably asked yourself the question, “Am I enough?” at least onceā€•or a hundred times if you’re anything like me. The short ...

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