Private World, Public World
In an age of social media, perhaps more than ever, what is whispered in the dark will be brought into the light

"Imagine if every thought that ever passed through your mind were projected up on a movie screen for all to see." Ever hear a pastor bring up that idea in a discussion of sin? Me tooā€”more than once.

A couple of months ago, that image came to mind when word broke that Facebook ...

A Counterculture for the Common Good
How the ā€œnext Christiansā€ offer light to the world

In contrast to countercultures that separate, antagonize, or copy culture, the next Christians are a counterculture for the common good that is centered and immoveable. They don't concern themselves with popularity, what they can achieve for themselves, or whether the masses ...

Changing to Love Our Neighbors
How one church reshaped a program to serve its community

We were a pastoral-size church (150 or less in attendance on Sundays) seeking to grow and trying a programmatic model to do so. We felt pretty good about our "if we provide it, folks will come" method. Who wouldn't want to come and check out (and hopefully join) a loving and ...

We Canā€™t All Be Beth
Iā€™m called to oversee the corner of influence God has given me

Nearly 10 years ago I sat in an Atlanta, Georgia, arena packed to the brim with college students. I was attending an annual conference hosted by Passion, and Beth Moore was about to take the stage.

In case you have never experienced Beth Moore's teaching outside the realm of ...

Five People Who Need Your Prayer
A challenge to partner with Godā€™s power

"My daughter's in a rough place; can you pray for her?" says one Facebook message this week.

The man with sad eyes at church stops me Sunday with a hand on my elbow. "Our marriage is in trouble. Will you pray for me?"

The requests come in person, in email, on the phone. As leaders, ...

Leadership Lessons from Bad Bosses
What Iā€™ve learned from negative examples

We all know those leaders: the bosses we've had who've made us think, "How did they get to be where they are?"

For more than 18 years, I worked for such leaders at two of Canada's largest advertising agencies. After my ad-agency career, I pastored for seven years alongside those ...

Out with the Old Womenā€™s Ministry
A new approach to impact women for Jesus

During the past decade, the landscape of key leadership positions within churches and non-profits has changed. The number of female senior pastors has doubled and there are more women than men leading non-profits.

Sadly, a strange dichotomy is occurring within the American church. ...

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