Real Pastorsā€™ Wives
A picture of healthy relationship between ministry spouses

Flipping through TV channels, we can see shows like The Housewives of Wherever, depicting women as backbiting, gossiping liars with a proclivity toward physical altercations. Now more than ever, women in church leadership have an opportunity to model healthy female relationships ...

Team Building: Beyond the Basics
Itā€™s not just about finding warm bodies and putting them to work

Recruiting, training, deploying, and supporting volunteers can occasionally feel like a full-time job. But as leaders, we all understand that without these volunteers, church as we know it would come to a screeching halt. For nearly 20 years, my husband (Christopher) and I have ...

Trapped in the Church
I feel caught between legalism and cheap grace

Over the past few years I've found myself caught in a web of legalism and cheap grace. I grew up in a small Baptist church in South Carolina. It was a small, loving church, where everyone knew everybody. I loved it. It is where I received my foundation.

So why do I feel trapped? ...

How Faith and Justice Build Godā€™s Kingdom
An interview with pastor and author Mae Cannon

In 2009, Nicholas D. Kristof and his wife, Sheryl WuDunn, set off a firestorm with their national bestseller, Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide. In the book, this power couple lays out "an agenda for the world's women focusing on three particular ...

Confessions of a Burned-Out Minister
10 things I did to recover and rediscover my calling

After four years of seminary and three-and-a-half years in ministry, only two words could describe me at my graduation: burned out. When I entered school, I never thought that upon my completion, I would feel so defeated and drained. I was supposed to be at the zenith of my ...

Confidence Is Key When You Work with All Men
Or any men, for that matter.

When I was asked to join the staff of a small church as the small-group coordinator, I was thrilled. I was also naïve. Being on staff meant that I was joining two men, one 10 years my senior, the other just a few years younger than my father. I moved from working with ...

Habits of the Heart, Part 2
Why Routine Spiritual Practices are Still a Good Idea, Part 2

I knew, by simple intuition, that it was the voice of God I was hearing. Heā€”who had named light and sky, sun and moon, male and female, the very same God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacobā€”called my name one hot July day as I stood overlooking a lake in northern Ohio.


I was 16ā€”and ...

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