Find Your Prophetic Voice
First steps you can take to learn to speak out against injustice
Find Your Prophetic Voice
Image: iStock

A few years ago I had a chance to watch a movie entitled, Blood Done Sign My Name. In this movie, viewers get to know two leaders who are faced with civil unrest during the Civil Rights Era. In one scene a young white pastor is having a discussion with his predecessor over how, ...

How to Keep Leading When You Feel Like Falling Apart
5 things to do when you face tragedy and turmoil
How to Keep Leading When You Feel Like Falling Apart
Image: iStock

I just can’t do this without her. The defeating thought came without warning and forced its way into my heart. I could barely breathe. We had worked side by side in ministry for years, and now she was gone. I’d lost her—my confidante, prayer partner, and best ...

Why We Need Single Women Leaders
The unique challenges and powerful insights of unmarried ministry leaders
Why We Need Single Women Leaders
Image: Lightstock

Editor’s Note: This article is part of “Change Makers,” our recent CT special issue focused on some of the ways women are influencing the church, their communities, and the world. It includes articles that explore trends in women’s discipleship, examine ...

Ally or Adversary?
Relationships between female leaders are often marked by competition and contempt. It doesn't have to be this way.
Ally or Adversary?
Image: Miquel Llonch/Stocksy

Editor’s Note: This article is part of “Change Makers,” our recent CT special issue focused on some of the ways women are influencing the church, their communities, and the world. It includes articles that explore trends in women’s discipleship, examine ...

Personal Branding, Platform, and Pride-Management
Promoting the message of Christā€•rather than ourselves.
Personal Branding, Platform, and Pride-Management
Image: iStock

The topics of personal branding and platform building permeated the conversations of a recent conference I attended, including concepts by which Christian leaders can promote their ministry and message. The advent of social media now allows people to engage in ministry faster ...

Share, Listen, and Listen Some More
Every woman knows how to minimize herself, and we need to put a stop to it—hereā€™s how.
Share, Listen, and Listen Some More
Image: iStock

“I am not a woman, so I don’t have bad days,” Russian President Vladimir Putin recently said in an interview. Like you, I read that statement and balk. What right does he have to make such blanket statements about an entire gender, let alone debilitate women ...

Making the Leap from Marketplace to Ministry
Five truths to keep in mind when God calls you to a big career change
Making the Leap from Marketplace to Ministry
Image: iStock

My move from business to full-time ministry happened so fast, I probably should have seen a chiropractor for whiplash. I had held a litany of diverse jobs over the yearsā€•everything from fast food cashier to customer service representative, wardrobe coordinator on a Christian ...

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