Ladies, Beware!
Protect yourself from ministry predators

It all started my freshman year of college. It was my first time away from home, and I was excited. I was eager to meet new people and explore the world. I came from a small town, so with great excitement also came naĆÆvetĆ©.

I volunteered that fall during campaign season to make ...

When Men Misinterpret Pastoral Care
All our interactions should be marked by love—plus caution and wisdom

They met at a professional conference. Valerie was a young pastor, and Charlie was a recent college graduate interning with a campus ministry organization. He mentioned that he was discerning a call to ministry, so Valerie engaged him in a conversation about his vocation. He ...

The Ministry of Passion in Marriage
I learned to put my sex life before church life

How many women do you know who are serving in the church, on the board of their children's Christian school, at the local mission serving food, sponsoring prayer meetingsā€”doing mighty kingdom work for the Lordā€”all while neglecting their husbands, who are at home waiting to make ...

Embracing Gay People at Church
Sometimes Christians have trouble acting as we say we will

Norman approached my husband, Brad, who spoke at an interdenominational Good Friday service. Brad learned that Norman had been involved heavily in the gay lifestyle and was now suffering from AIDS. In further conversations, Brad found out that Norman's mother was a Christian ...

Meet Sexual Sin with Truth and Grace
How to minister to people caught in fornication

If fornication is sin, why do Christians engage in it? Why is sexually immorality prevalent among the Body of Christ? And what's the appropriate response?

Understanding the Culture

Everywhere we look we see the word SEX. Sexual immorality is not only blatant; it is subtle too. ...

What Intimate Cohabitation Means for Ministry
Should unmarried couples who live together serve in the church?

According to the National Survey of Family Growth, a government-funded study of more than 20,000 individuals from 2006-2010, the last few decades have seen a dramatic rise in cohabitation, or living with a member of the opposite sex in an intimate relationship outside marriage. ...

Lead Me On: When Confidence Cracks
So youā€™re an unlikely vessel for Godā€™s work. So was Rahab.

Ever sit in solitude with hopes of drumming up a sound mindā€”only to be interrupted by inner-voice chatter? As in, "Get up. Go. Do. Come on already."

When did the "still small voice" start sounding so grouchy?

It seems that even beautiful and spiritual disciplines like solitude, ...

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