How I Rediscovered Joy
I was so busy serving, I lost sight of God.

When I became a Christian, the biggest thing that changed about me was my self-centeredness. Before becoming a Christian, I mistakenly thought I was an extrovert because I befriended people who I thought would be useful to me or who made me feel good about myself. After I became ...

Why I Didnā€™t Write an Article about Health
ā€¦or did I?

When I was first invited to write an article for Gifted for Leadership on the topic of "health," my initial reaction was hesitation.

It's not that I don't love the topic. I have long been a strong proponent of intentionality in the areas of physical, emotional, spiritual, and ...

Mental Illness and the Church
How many lives will be lost before we change?

I'm hidden under blankets in a bedroom of the parsonage next door to the church my husband pastors. My limbs are cinder blocks. My gut, a pool of quicksand. I hear a muffled voice. "Mom? It's time for dinner. Mom?"

I roll onto my back and squint my eyes up at Zoya, ten years ...

When Family Pressures Threaten Your Ministry
It took a crisis in our home to make me stop and wake me up to reality

"Does your family demonstrate a spirit of peace?" I heard the preacher say. "No!" I yelled inside myself. Little did anyone know, our family was in a state of crisis. Our oldest son's behavior was getting worse every day; he was finally diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder, ...

Buildingā€“and Maintainingā€“the Temple
Leading and serving should not come at the cost of our own health and well-being

When Solomon decided to build a temple for Yahweh, it took seven years to complete the task. And no wonder. It was both enormous and ornate. 1 Kings 6:34-35 reads, "There were two folding doors of cypress woodā€¦decorated with carvings of cherubim, palm trees, and open flowersā€”all ...

How the Church Can Support Emotional Health
If you canā€™t find healing in the Body of Christ, where can you find it?
How the Church Can Support Emotional Health

Lisa is going through a divorce and she's afraid to tell her fellow church members. She is slipping deeper and deeper into depression, with no one to talk to. John has lost his job and he's having an emotional breakdown. He's questioning his worth as a man since ...

Emotional Health Should Be Required for Leaders
Itā€™s one way to avoid toxic situations in your church

Because of a lifetime battling depression, Johanna's mom had difficulty coping with the challenges of raising a child. Spending hours in bed, she became detached from her daughter. The depression began a chain reaction in the familyā€”Johanna's dad worked long hours so he didn't ...

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