Sometimes Ministry Happens at Home
My daughterā€™s declaration of independence changed all my plans

I wasn't ready for it. After all, she's only just turned 8. And what 8-year-old do you know who's called an after-dinner meeting to tell you gently but categorically that "it's just not working anymore"? That she "can't stand another day of living in your house"? That she's ...

Don't Omit the Obvious
Leading begins with following

In Rodgers and Hammerstein's classic movie The Sound of Music, Maria, the new nanny for the von Trapp family, finds that the children don't know how to sing. So she teaches them the musical scale in song: "Let's start at the very beginning. A very good place to start. When you ...

Lead Me On: For We Who Look Around
Do what is yours to do

A fairly famous point-the-finger-in-blame moment started the day Eve handed Adam that piece of fruit and said, "Go for it."

The text doesn't say that he resisted. At all. It reads like this: "Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too" (Genesis 3:6). ...

The Disillusionment Solution
The One Thing Every Leader Needs

We all have moments, as leaders, when we want to give it up. Maybe you just want to hide after someone critiques your event or questions your decisions, when you're weary from holding others up as they fall apart, or when you feel dry and disconnected from God even as you give ...

Reclaiming Eve: The Identity & Calling of Women in the Kingdom of God
A Book Review

The book:Reclaiming Eve: The Identity & Calling of Women in the Kingdom of God

By Suzanne Burden, Carla Sunberg, and Jamie Wright

Published by Beacon Hill Press

Why I picked up this book:

I had several reasons for picking up this book. For starters, this book is written by three ...

Part 3: Raising Up Women for Ministry Leadership: Tales from the Trenches
When I resisted handing the reigns to others, I risked worshipping the ministry rather than the Master.

There is no job security in the Kingdom. Jesus promised we'd have both trouble and blessings. He said that we could ask and receive. He told us not to be fearful or anxious. In fact, Jesus had a great many things to say to his followersā€“but not once did he guarantee tenure to ...

Part 2: Raising Up Women for Ministry Leadership: Tales from the Trenches
When I kept my mouth shut, the Holy Spirit led my team to a new depth of unity

Christians are not distinguished from others by our faith. Faith can be found throughout a variety of religious sects. Rather, God intended for us to stand out to this struggling world by our love.

The deep and powerful commandment of the Lord to "love one another" has often ...

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