Dare Mighty Things
A Book Review
Dare Mighty Things
Image: Thinkstock

The book:

Dare Mighty Things: Mapping the Challenges of Leadership for Christian Women

By Halee Gray Scott

Published by Zondervan

Why I picked up this book:

Simply put, there is no other book on the market like it! Author and Ph.D. Halee Gray Scott has done her research ...

A Voice for the Sinned-Against, Part 2
Ministry to survivors of sexual abuse
A Voice for the Sinned-Against, Part 2
Image: Thinkstock

Childhood sexual abuse victims experience lifelong battles to gain understanding of what happened to them and why. Statistics show that 1 out of 20 boys are sexually abused as children, and the number is much higher for young girls: one out of five girls is sexually abused, ...

A Voice for the Sinned-Against, Part 1
Ministry to survivors of sexual abuse
A Voice for the Sinned-Against, Part 1
Image: Thinkstock

I walked into church in December 2007 as a 32-year old new Christian, full of anger, hurt, and bitterness. I spent much of my life feeling like a failure and did not see a purpose for myself. My father left when I was very young. My mother was searching for her own self-worth ...

Why Avoid Talking about Gender?
Itā€™s more important than our discomfort
Why Avoid Talking about Gender?
Image: Thinkstock

Despite the reality that gender issues are trending in culture and on social media, many in the church seem to equate talking about this polemic topic with swimming in a shark tank: too dangerous and not worth the thrill.

My husband and I have been leading long-term healing ...

Engaging Women and Men in Worship
A balanced approach to planning
Engaging Women and Men in Worship
Image: Thinkstock

Crafting worship is a relentless task. Meet, pray, plan, finesse, download, upload, sing and praise, then feel a sense of relief when Sunday is over. With 52 Sundays a year, every week we do this. Worship planners and liturgists constantly ask, “How can worship transform ...

Something Is Different around Here!
A Note from Editor Amy Simpson

I’m thrilled to announce that Gifted for Leadership has a new look and a new home.

If you’ve visited this site in the past, you’ll notice our makeover—an updated design and a sleeker site.

What you may not notice as readily is that we are now officially ...

Listen to the Shepherd
If you're going to follow God, you have to recognize his voice
Listen to the Shepherd
Image: Thinkstock

Living life well requires following God. Leading others well requires following God.

Following God requires hearing God. Yet usually, our Lord doesn’t speak in an audible voice. We can’t hear him with our physical ears.

He has given us Scripture. We can read ...

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