When Loving Your Sheep Hurts
How I found healing after betrayal in ministry
When Loving Your Sheep Hurts
Image: Thinkstock

Tears rolled down my face as I confessed my agony to a friend: “I love God and I love the church, but I don’t want anything to do with God’s people right now.”

It was a shocking confession that came after a deep betrayal in ministry. Someone I loved ...

Saying Goodbye to Volunteer Leaders
How to do it well—in youth ministry and elsewhere
Saying Goodbye to Volunteer Leaders
Image: Thinkstock

Leaders naturally cycle in and out of ministry. When it’s a positive parting of ways, create an environment where the leader is honored for their service and students, parents, and other leaders have a chance to voice their thanks. Make this a consistent ritual for ...

Dare Mighty Things
A Book Review
Dare Mighty Things
Image: Thinkstock

The book:

Dare Mighty Things: Mapping the Challenges of Leadership for Christian Women

By Halee Gray Scott

Published by Zondervan

Why I picked up this book:

Simply put, there is no other book on the market like it! Author and Ph.D. Halee Gray Scott has done her research ...

A Voice for the Sinned-Against, Part 2
Ministry to survivors of sexual abuse
A Voice for the Sinned-Against, Part 2
Image: Thinkstock

Childhood sexual abuse victims experience lifelong battles to gain understanding of what happened to them and why. Statistics show that 1 out of 20 boys are sexually abused as children, and the number is much higher for young girls: one out of five girls is sexually abused, ...

A Voice for the Sinned-Against, Part 1
Ministry to survivors of sexual abuse
A Voice for the Sinned-Against, Part 1
Image: Thinkstock

I walked into church in December 2007 as a 32-year old new Christian, full of anger, hurt, and bitterness. I spent much of my life feeling like a failure and did not see a purpose for myself. My father left when I was very young. My mother was searching for her own self-worth ...

Why Avoid Talking about Gender?
Itā€™s more important than our discomfort
Why Avoid Talking about Gender?
Image: Thinkstock

Despite the reality that gender issues are trending in culture and on social media, many in the church seem to equate talking about this polemic topic with swimming in a shark tank: too dangerous and not worth the thrill.

My husband and I have been leading long-term healing ...

Engaging Women and Men in Worship
A balanced approach to planning
Engaging Women and Men in Worship
Image: Thinkstock

Crafting worship is a relentless task. Meet, pray, plan, finesse, download, upload, sing and praise, then feel a sense of relief when Sunday is over. With 52 Sundays a year, every week we do this. Worship planners and liturgists constantly ask, “How can worship transform ...

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