Did Jesus Say to Welcome Only the Documented Stranger?
I am firmly convinced that I am obligated to love
Did Jesus Say to Welcome Only the Documented Stranger?
Image: Thinkstock

When my former boss sent a link to preview the new film The Stranger, I grabbed a pen and a journal, ready to take notes. I was so eager to learn more about immigration from a Christian worldview. I desired to become more educated about immigration reform, so I couldn’t ...

What Iā€™ve learned from Working with Young Immigrants
Children often feel as if they are straddling two worlds
What Iā€™ve learned from Working with Young Immigrants
Image: Thinkstock

She was petite, with softly colored brown skin, brown eyes, and long brown hair. This tenderhearted young Latina of 15 was weeping, torn between obeying her father, full of machismo, or blending in with the American culture of her adolescence. Straddling two worlds, she sought ...

5 Good Ways to Welcome Strangers
Itā€™s not illegal to care for immigrants, whatever their status
5 Good Ways to Welcome Strangers
Image: Thinkstock

Like many congregations, my church struggles with how to welcome strangers into our midst. We have visitor cards and welcome badges and the greeters at every door, but we stop short of translating information into another language or specifically serving the large immigrant ...

Mentoring with Intention
Itā€™s more than just hanging out
Mentoring with Intention
Image: Thinkstock

It’s easy to confuse mentoring and friendship. Friendships are essential connections important to our sense of well-being. Women need friends. Times with friends bring laughter, listening ears, and encouragement. As friends browse the sale racks, their conversation ...

The Sacred Gift of Listening
Are you missing opportunities to love?
The Sacred Gift of Listening
Image: Thinkstock

“It might be cancer.” When those words were spoken, it wasn’t clear who was more stunned—Michael or me. He was our beloved small group pastor. A true people person, Michael was the lubricant which kept staff friction to a minimum. Quick to laugh, he ...

3 Questions to Ask Yourself before Letting Go
What keeps you hanging on?
3 Questions to Ask Yourself before Letting Go
Image: Thinkstock

“The sheer volume embarrasses me,” I admit to my husband while standing over piles of clothes on my bedroom floor. Coats, shoes, shirts, and pants pulled from my closet on a Saturday like leaves letting go of sturdy branches and falling in a heap. Outside, sun ...

Faithful through the Ages
A case for intergenerational communities
Faithful through the Ages
Image: Thinkstock

Several years ago, we were invited to join a small group which met weekly on Friday nights. We arrived the first night with our young kids in tow, eager to connect with other couples in a similar age and stage. What we found was a much more blended group of couples, ranging ...

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