The Surprising Power of Our Weakest Moments
In Godā€™s hands, crosses become instruments of life-giving grace
The Surprising Power of Our Weakest Moments
Image: Thinkstock

Humility is throwing oneself away in complete concentration on something or someone else.

—Madeleine L’Engle

Sometimes I banter with God. Every now and then, I’ll tease him, telling him that since he disciplines the children he loves (Heb. 12:6), he must ...

A Radical Idea for This Christmas
Spend the season on a mission
A Radical Idea for This Christmas
Image: Thinkstock

A few years ago my children and I walked into a department store during the Christmas season. A lady working there stopped us and cheerfully asked if my children would like to write a Christmas list to Santa Claus. There was a statue of Santa by the entrance, with a big red ...

Adventā€™s Knotty Family Tree
Jesus was born into a messy family too
Adventā€™s Knotty Family Tree
Image: Thinkstock

On the first Sunday of Advent this season, my congregation’s sermon text was Matthew 1:1-17. Many of us likely don’t think too often about this passage: It is one of the dreaded genealogies, with hard-to-pronounce names and no storyline (or so it seems). Yet behind ...

Free Yourself to Pause and Take a Break
Surrender to Godā€™s desire to shape your soul
Free Yourself to Pause and Take a Break
Image: Thinkstock

The Internet is saturated with information for self-improvement and practical tools and techniques to become a better you. The business sections of bookstores include titles which inform leaders and executives about management skills, vision casting, and team development. ...

Thoughts on Q Women 2014
A conference review
Thoughts on Q Women 2014
Image: Thinkstock

Last month I attended the Q Women gathering with my leader friend Jodie. We both were looking for challenging conversations that would stimulate our thinking about faith and women leaders. The tagline for Q drew me in: “Stay Curious. Think Well. Advance Good.” ...

Lead Me On: When Even J. Lo Doesnā€™t Like Herself
Moses had the same problem—and so do we
Lead Me On: When Even J. Lo Doesnā€™t Like Herself
Image: Thinkstock

In an interview with Maria Shriver this month, Jennifer Lopez confessed that she has struggled with low self-esteem. It’s getting better. She’s working on it. But there it is.

If this person, who is strong, savvy, and successful, and who sports a booty that ...

'Light upon Light' Brings Meaning to Advent and Beyond
A book review
'Light upon Light' Brings Meaning to Advent and Beyond
Image: Thinkstock

Each year I look for ways to make the Advent season more meaningful. It can be surprisingly hard to find something fresh and new. But a new release compiled by Sarah Arthur, Light upon Light, is my pièce de résistance for this year.

As Arthur says in her introduction: ...

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