Missio Alliance Gathering 2015: Highlights and Reflections
A conference review
Missio Alliance Gathering 2015: Highlights and Reflections

This month, the Missio Alliance hosted its second national conference at the historic Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, VA. With the theme Being Truly Human: Re-imaging the Resurrectional Life, approximately 600 Christian leaders, pastors, advocates, scholars, and ...

Unprepared for the Unchurched
When weā€™re not ready, new believers slip through the cracks
Unprepared for the Unchurched

It’s true…I have been called naive.

Several years ago when my purse was stolen in broad daylight, we found out the police officer wrote in her report that my husband and I seemed very naive. And you know what? She was right. My husband and I were naive to the ...

Single-Souled Living
Our spiritual allegiance must not be divided
Single-Souled Living

As a woman, when I hear the expression “double-minded,” I chuckle. I wish I had only two things on my mind. When I switch off the alarm in the morning, my brain flashes at least a dozen to-dos. Two would be a piece of cake.

For the past few months I have been ...

All Things to All People?
We canā€™t keep everyone happy, and itā€™s torture to try
All Things to All People?

For several years now, I’ve participated in a private Facebook group for women in theology and biblical studies. The group started with some of my friends from graduate school and now has more than 450 members—professors, grad students, seminarians, and pastors. ...

Back to Basics
What I learned from my husband, who trains pastors in third-world countries
Back to Basics

My husband, Brad, was a pastor for 27 years when he resigned his pastorate to train pastors in third-world countries who would otherwise receive little or no training. He mostly goes to areas of Africa that are away from the major cities. In these small villages, a church ...

Before You Open Your Mouth
10 tips for ā€œpre-public speakingā€
Before You Open Your Mouth

As a ministry speaker and part of our church’s teaching team, I still fight nerves every time I’m preparing a presentation. So I am constantly on the lookout for public speaking tips. There’s fantastic advice for the speech itself—start with a bang, ...

Lead Me On: When ā€œDance Momsā€ Teaches about Trust
God has a much greater mission than demonstrating his greatness
Lead Me On: When ā€œDance Momsā€ Teaches about Trust

Sometimes when my family should be Norman Rockwell-ing it with old-fashioned bonding time over a board game, we are instead hovered around an Apple TV episode of “Dance Moms: Season Two.”

It is a car-crash-esque pileup of five moms watching their seven daughters ...

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