Trusting God When the Answers Donā€™t Come
Regardless of my circumstances, his care will remain the same
Trusting God When the Answers Donā€™t Come

I was on my knees one night right before going to bed. Not knowing what to say, I considered my options. I thought perhaps I could seek comfort in worship, but I didn’t really have the serenity at the moment. Neither had I the strength to pray intensely. The reason ...

Married in Ministry? Keep Your Sense of Humor
Laughing together makes your marriage sustainable
Married in Ministry? Keep Your Sense of Humor

I married a solemn man. He is an intense person who takes ministry very seriously. That intensity gave him the courage and impetus to plant a church, which he pastored for 27 years. When he resigned, it was to train pastors in third-world countries, so as I said, he takes ...

Move Forward in Faith
Let fear motivate you to accomplish your purpose.
Move Forward in Faith

Fear is not a component of progression. When we become intimidated by things that are ahead, we put the seed of doubt in our minds. We start to question our decisions, actions, and plans—resulting in procrastination. The ordinary type of procrastination is the action of ...

Alone in Marriage
How church leaders can support spiritually single women
Alone in Marriage

Married, spiritually single women may be the most underserved segment of the church, primarily because many church leaders don’t understand how best to support them. As a woman whose husband doesn’t share her faith, I’ve learned that church leaders play a pivotal ...

Missio Alliance Gathering 2015: Highlights and Reflections
A conference review
Missio Alliance Gathering 2015: Highlights and Reflections

This month, the Missio Alliance hosted its second national conference at the historic Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, VA. With the theme Being Truly Human: Re-imaging the Resurrectional Life, approximately 600 Christian leaders, pastors, advocates, scholars, and ...

Unprepared for the Unchurched
When weā€™re not ready, new believers slip through the cracks
Unprepared for the Unchurched

It’s true…I have been called naive.

Several years ago when my purse was stolen in broad daylight, we found out the police officer wrote in her report that my husband and I seemed very naive. And you know what? She was right. My husband and I were naive to the ...

Single-Souled Living
Our spiritual allegiance must not be divided
Single-Souled Living

As a woman, when I hear the expression “double-minded,” I chuckle. I wish I had only two things on my mind. When I switch off the alarm in the morning, my brain flashes at least a dozen to-dos. Two would be a piece of cake.

For the past few months I have been ...

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